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Wildlife Victoria Fundraiser – Halfbreed Blades

With the devastation caused by the Australian bush fire disaster, it’s estimated approximately 1.25 billion animals have been killed across Australia to date. This includes thousands of koalas and many other indigenous species burnt alive, and thousands more injured and homeless.

In an effort to do their part, HALFBREED BLADES is offering a Limited Edition Drop Bear morale patch to raise funds for Australia Wildlife. $10.00 from the sale of every patch will be donated to Wildlife Victoria to help our native koalas and their friends get back on their feet.

A limited run of 1,000 patches are available for immediate delivery, so please help reach the target donation goal of $10,000. 

So far $5,000 in donations have been raised, the target goal is well in sight!

Please visit the EDC window at the HALFBREED BLADES web store or copy the following link to your browser: www.halfbreedblades.com.au/shop/edc/drop-bear-morale-patch-2020

One Response to “Wildlife Victoria Fundraiser – Halfbreed Blades”

  1. Boris says:

    Is this company a rebadged Hardcore Hardware? Their product line is practically identical…