TYR Tactical

SOFWERX Suppressor Tech Transfer Event 29 April 2020

On 29 April, SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, will host a Suppressor Tech Transfer Event. The purpose of the event is to identify manufacturers that can accelerate the integration of Government provided technology into commercially available suppressors.

Why Should You Participate?

• Active support by Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) to issue Government Purpose Rights of the Multi-Stage Bypass Technology Data Package (TDP)

• Access to LLNL ALE3D4I modeling and simulation software on LLNL computers

• Technical support to accelerate the integration of the technology into commercially available suppressors 

• Multiple transferees will be selected for the opportunity

US Submissions Only & ITAR Restricted 

Submit NLT 27 March 2020. For full details and to register, visit www.sofwerx.org/suppressor.

2 Responses to “SOFWERX Suppressor Tech Transfer Event 29 April 2020”

  1. Francois says:


    I would like to know if you would accept Government representatives from Canada to your Suppressor Tech Transfer event. I am a scientist working for the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command and one of our projects pertain to suppressor modelling. We are already in touch with the Lawrence Livermore Lab and I just presented our work at the FVEY level.

    Our interest lies in exchanging lessons learned in the M&S of suppressor design and additive manufacturing.



    • Paul Bonelli says:

      Hello Francois,
      X2 Development Group as been selected to participate in Phase 3 of the suppressor Technology tranfer event in 2020. We have developed true zero back pressure suppressor technology and currently have commercial models available. If you would like further information on our products, please let me know.
      Best Regards
      Paul Bonelli
      Director of Business Development
      X2 Development Group