GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Should SureFire Sell This?

SureFire wants to know your thoughts on whether they should sell a few select adapters (muzzle brakes & Warcomps) in a new FDE Ionbond. The reason they are wondering, there are some pros and cons to the new color.



-Looks awesome

-Coating is durable


-The adapters will become discolored quickly. This is especially true if shot suppressed, as the device will be fully carbon colored.

Let us know what you think in the comments.

27 Responses to “Should SureFire Sell This?”

  1. AD says:

    The instagram shooters will buy the crap out of them. Aside from that, the carbon buildup is going to negate any “signature reduction” the color provides rendering this color option absolutely useless. I don’t see the point in this being an option for their suppressor mount line.

    • SShink says:

      …and the discoloration would not be even, leaving the device ugly versus a nice clean line where the discoloration ends.

  2. Stephen says:

    Yup! I’m a sucker for anything in FDE!

  3. Gerard says:

    I dont know what the issue is? Put this break on your AR and Never fire anything throught it. It will stay that color forever. Problem solved

  4. Andrew says:

    Hell yeah!

    Side note, they should make FDE gunpowder so the carbon is matching. 😀

  5. Strike-Hold says:

    Is it Friday the 13th, or April 1st?

    Asking for a friend….

  6. J Henry says:

    It would look awesome for a wall hanger build, but totally right about discoloration after the first set of shots.

  7. Cale says:

    Yes, more 50 shades of FDE please.

    • SShink says:

      with the variation in PVD and other steel surface coatings, more like 50 million

  8. Michael says:

    Will the coating help with the cans getting stuck on the mount?

    I love my Surefiew can, but that’s the only drawback, and I’m generally not fond of shooting it off, downrange.

  9. Nick says:

    Questions: Is the coating more durable than what’s on the current offerings? If so, what are the advantages outside of bump/scratch protection? Does carbon buildup on the device negate the effect?

    If there isn’t an objectively quantifiable performance enhancement or benefit to the FDE coating, then I don’t see a reason to go through the trouble personally.

    If there’s a market for it on Instagram though, and there’s money to be made with little to no associated opportunity cost, sure, why not make them (or even better, do a limited release and marketing campaign around it). Capitalism and free-market economies should be fun, shouldn’t they?

  10. Stephen says:

    Do it, i think it should be a limited edition thing though, but i doubt it would be around for a long time anyways

  11. Jeb says:

    If it helps with carbon clean up, ie wipe clean, then yes. If based on color, Instaghey and nothing else…I’ll pass. My Surefire doesn’t care what color goes in the can, as long as it’s clean and doesn’t get stuck. It already gets probed by a few sticks and need a few more “muzzle devices” to be stuck by a few more.

  12. madurin says:

    there’s nothing more beautiful than a well-used tool. you aren’t supposed to rattle-can suppressor mounts but underlying color makes a difference; even carbon-stained fde is probably less obtrusive than straight steel. i think it’s a good option to offer.

  13. cdk says:

    10/10 would buy

  14. Saint says:

    really depends on how you intend to use it

    assuming you’re not using a can, the host gun is full fde, and how easily it can clean off/retain this ionbond fde would be my determining factors

  15. Hawk2Delta says:

    Civies and ‘gram stars will love it, so undoubtedly it will sell…buuuuut the first post was dead on: signature reduction entirely negated, aaaand if you actually need that, then you’re going to be running a can anyways. Cool, but a bit superfluous for professional use.

  16. Spartiat says:

    SureFire isnt wondering at all. They are teasing.
    It will get released.
    And well, even if I like 5 Billion Shades of FDE, I imagene it quite ugly matching a phosphorrated steel barrel.
    FDE Cover on a Can, or a FDE Can, okay, but FDE Comp…. mhhhh.
    But whatever.
    SureFire, better release a Left handed Version of the Rapid Deploy Holster like I asked by Email some time.
    Or SureFire, why do you not release a XH55-V-IRC with a Laser mounted ABOVE the light like I asked via Email several times?
    Or, why not release any light with just 1x CR123. Or a front-removable battery cover (like taking of the head), so I do not need to zero my damn IR Laser every single freaking time I am going to swap batteries?

    • Mike says:

      Your common sense has no place at Surefire!

    • Sam says:

      Actually, they answered almost all of those in the XVL2-IR-C that they released at SHOT. One 123A, battery comes out the front, laser is high and in line with illumination, and can be used with a Safariland ALS holster.

  17. Meusoc says:

    Yes please; I will buy today!
    I remember in the near past, I wasn’t able to purchase ANY muzzle devices for my SOCOM suppressors!
    Oh, and yes it looks awesome!

  18. Mate says:

    Warcomp pls

  19. Ben Bentley says:

    Being stuck in a non NFA state and not allowed to own a can I may purchase one just because it’s different. If it gets discolored not a big deal to me but it’s not just gonna sit in my safe to look pretty. I shoot the guns I own and sell off the ones I don’t shoot.

  20. Smokey says:

    Sell it. Make money. My FDE suppressor and other parts become discolored too.