GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Tactical Tailor Anti-Structural Munition Grenade Pouch

This is one of the coolest munitions in the US inventory. The Mk 14 Mod 0 Anti-Structural Munition is a thermobaric grenade.

And this, is how you carry it.

Get yours at www.tacticaltailor.com.

8 Responses to “Tactical Tailor Anti-Structural Munition Grenade Pouch”

  1. DrStrange says:

    It’s thermobaric. You got scuba on the brain…

  2. mudd says:

    T-bomb… old model.. catch the fxck up

  3. mudd says:

    T-bomb.. old version… catch up

  4. lcpl1066 says:

    sweet finding pouches that fit these is tough

  5. Jon, OPT says:

    You toss it in the water so divers can surface rapidly, er’body know dat!

  6. Ray Forest says:

    Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Lobbest at thou foe!

  7. Ray Forest says:

    Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch