
MultiCam Pen Holder Patch from Danger Close Apparel

Leave it to the Air Force to come up with a shoulder pen slot for use with OCP ACUs and TFDUs.

The MultiCam Pen Holder Patch is placed where you normally put your shoulder sleeve insignia with Velcro Pile still where your need it. It holds up the three pens.

13 Responses to “MultiCam Pen Holder Patch from Danger Close Apparel”

  1. Bob says:

    A good idea, the A2CUs already have them incorporated into the pockets.

    I predict that these patches will drive SGMs to conniptions.

  2. Czerta says:

    Do not use the swirl effect for redacting data, make use of the “stained glass” or other filter capable of removing data

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Just use a single colour rectangle. Swirls, pixelation etc. can all be applied backwards.

      • Large pixels are still fine since a lot less data, the swirl is just one of the few things were one can undo with minimal loss.
        There are only so many patches shaped like that so I’m surprised no one mentioned that 😛

    • straps says:

      I’m gonna buy one of these for wear in the JOC, finish a shift, forget to take it off and see myself in the USAWTFM feed when I wake up….

  3. Nick says:

    Just what the air force needs, something else the rest of us can give them sh*t for.

    If only the pocket they’re covering with that patch could hold pens too.

    • David Operchal says:

      It’s way easier to not have to undo the Velcro every time, especially in the appreciate. Also older versions of the A2CU don’t have the pencil pockets in the shoulder pocket. AFSOC guys have been locally making these for a while.

  4. SFJM says:

    Does it come in fat crayon sizes and MARPAT for Marines?

  5. TheDude says:

    A similar item has been for sale in clothing sales from BQM for almost a year.

  6. Strike-Hold says:

    The pen is mightier than the sword…

  7. Jose says:

    I’m still confused why sewing patches to a matching backing Velcro cover piece wasn’t allowed on the ACU/Combat Shirt.

    Given the original colors it didn’t matter.

    But now that colors found in nature are back… Tan 499 is fine.

    • Anibal Perez says:

      Because there will always be a useless SGM who will pitch a fit about uniformity or some other useless crap those types are always crying about