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Kydex EMT Shear Sheaths

ER Life Apparel makes some pretty cool Kydex sheaths off EMT Shears. Their ER Life One shears aren’t bad looking either.

Pretty straight forward, you can get both shears and sheath in a variety of colors. Available with 1.5″ belt clip or PALS compatible adapter.


2 Responses to “Kydex EMT Shear Sheaths”

  1. India Alpha 01 says:

    Ummm… How are you supposed to disinfect these? I have a pair of their trauma shears and they are solidly built, but bas a 22-year EMS provider and Instructor – I am noticing that the manufacturers of kydex sheaths for trauma shears apparently aren’t thinking the design, through.

    • Average Joe says:

      Hi There! Have actually seen/handled this type of holster? I am a 30 year career paramedic/instructor and own a Kydex holster business as well. This type of holster is constructed with two pieces of Kydex, which allows the holster to open for unholstering/reholstering of the scissors. It will open enough to allow a small brush inside. Also, Kydex is durable enough to permit the holster to be soaked in commercial germicidal solution – just rinse, dry and it’s ready to go.