FirstSpear TV

Coming 2021 – Sitka Gear for the SOF Operator

8 Responses to “Coming 2021 – Sitka Gear for the SOF Operator”

  1. Auckland says:

    This is excellent news and long awaited. Looking forward to seeing the crossover of excellent features in the hunting line into the SOF side with base colors. Now can I slip one more jacket passed the wife…

    • Jk says:

      HHahaha… that’s exactly what my thought was, how will I explain this one.. too many AO’s, too little jackets..

  2. ThatGuy says:

    Does this mean we’ll see Berry compliant Sitka gear?

    Glad to see this, but surprised it took this long….especially since it is owned by W.L. Gore and they’ve been developing apparel and other equipment for the U.S. for a while.

  3. Grady Burrell says:

    F to the A to the R, somewhere counsel, that was asleep during compliance class has splaining to do to w l.

  4. Jon, OPT says:

    Good to see a news release on this. Considering the folks behind this project and the capabilities of the ownership, this should prove to be the next generation of outerwear.

  5. DangerPigg says:

    Knowing the individuals driving this line, I’d say we’re in for some great stuff. Excited to see more

  6. MS_TB says:

    Looking forward to it Lav. Stoked