SureFire XC3

Happy Birthday US Air Force!

Please enjoy this recruiting song from the 1950s.

4 Responses to “Happy Birthday US Air Force!”

  1. GANDIS says:

    Man, I am glad that was not our service song.

  2. Ex Coelis says:

    My favourite Gen. Curtis Lemay story – shortly after some early-days nuclear tests in the South Pacific, the scientists at Sandia Labs asked Lemay what size or mega-tonnage yield he wanted for a possible war with Russia. “One bomb” Lemay said. One of the scientists rather puzzled, countered “one megaton”? “No” Lemay responded “One bomb for all of Russia”. Think Lemay was THE original ‘wild and crazy guy’(with moderate apologies to Steve Martin)…

  3. J says:

    Too bad he threw his weight behind segregationist – and that’s being kind -George Wallace in their bid for the presidency in 1968 as third party outliers.