AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

CRO Thermal Regulation System

The Thermal Regulation System is a single unit thermal regulation blood transport container produced in Montana by CRO Medical.

• 400mL or 550mL single unit blood transport container.
• Temperature data logger for blood cold chain validation.
• Meets AABB hemovigilance standards for whole blood transportation. 
• Tear-away panel included for versatile mounting options.
• Velcro mounting option for inside medbag.
• Instantly and reliably heats to 104 degrees F for two hours. 
• Built-in pressure infuser.
• Insulated line kit for filtered tubing included.

The container can heat to 104F and maintain this temperature for two hours on a single charge. The heat passes through an air barrier surrounding the blood to provide safe and consistent circumferential, indirect, and radiant heat intended to prevent freezing in temps ranging from -64.6F to -54.0F. An insulated line kit for filtered tubing is included to prevent thermal changes in the admin line during resuscitation.

*This product is not intended to be a warmer for blood administration. 

The transport container maintains temperature below 10C for 12 hours at 40C ambient temp using the cold pack provided. Polyethylene closed-cell foam insulation with aluminum radiant backing directs heat inward across the air barrier.

Pressure infuse your blood at the point of injury without removing the blood from the pocket.   

Integrates into the blood cold chain using built-in infrared temperature sensor. The sensor is accurate to + or – 0.4F and logs time-stamped temperature data into the on-board hard drive for simple retrieval in .csv format. This allows the operator to remove blood from the refrigerator and begin data logging temperature readings in real-time. If the blood warms above 10C during transport, an 8-hour countdown begins, indicating viable shelf life. If the temp remains below 10C, the blood can be validated using the temperature data log and returned for the remainder of the cold chain life cycle. This follows the best practices of cold chain validation for resource conservation and hemovigilance.

The LCD screen is preferred for operating in blacked-out conditions. No alarms or audible noise.

MSRP: $480 

Please contact customer service at CRO for quotes:

4 Responses to “CRO Thermal Regulation System”

  1. Doc Ras says:

    Interesting solution for a highly specific problem we run into often. I’m not sure how often this applies when most times the blood must be maintained in the golden hour container, but maybe I am the wrong market as this may be aimed at more operator specific audiences. I used to fly medevac in MN and I could see this being a novel solution for maintaining IV solutions in a freezing environment also. It would be nice if someone could add an insulated IV tubing which could also be simultaneously viewed to observe flow and integrity.

    • CRO says:

      There is an insulated line kit included. As far as maintaining in the golden hour- yes that can still be done and easily put in the container for pressure infusion if that is your protocol. This was designed to spoke out from your refrigerated source (thinking APRU by Delta Dev Team), and would be considered a “golden second” container. Thank you for your interest and please contact us if you have any questions about the device. -CRO

    • James says:

      Seems like they have put a lot of thought/ experimentation into it(they generally” get it ” and even think ahead). Probably be ideal for a lot of situations away from your transport platform, think it would probably be overkill for fluids along with being a relatively short battery life. With blood you’re trying to keep it in the cold storage range so that ability to track and monitor is important for viability. I’m sure it could do fluids in the cold, but better than /as long as a body warmer and insulated lunch bag? I just don’t see the need for that degree of control with fluids.

  2. James says:

    No doubt, this would be a lot nicer once hanging .