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Tactical Medical Solutions TacMed Introduces the RISE (Rigid Immobilization System for Extremities)

Engineered for professional first responders to be the most rugged, low-profile rigid splint for extremity fractures and pelvic binding in the prehospital environment.

Anderson, S.C. (January 19, 2021) – Tactical Medical Solutions, LLC (TacMed), in support of trained first responders both on the battlefield and on the streets, will be the global provider of more than 150,000 groundbreaking splints over the next three years. TacMed is excited to introduce the RISETM (Rigid Immobilization System for Extremities).

The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) recognizes splinting and pelvic binding application as a critical step in preventing additional injury during casualty evacuation. But most splinting devices are cumbersome to carry or pack inside a medical kit. Not only does the RISETM significantly reduce weight and size of current market options, it is uniquely capable for both limbs and pelvic stabilization.

Originating from lessons learned on the battlefield, the RISETM is a durable, rugged, extremely compact splint for point-of-injury care. It can be intuitively applied under stress as a straight splint, 90-degree splint, or pelvic binder by using a windlass or ratcheting tourniquet with the available cutout slots. Preformed folding points allow the RISETM to fit into most individual first aid kits, including all standard military-issue IFAKs. The RISETM is radiolucent, blood and chemical resistant, and proudly made in the USA.

The RISETM was developed in partnership with the U.S. Army and tested by military personnel at Fort Hood, Texas, and Schofield Barracks in Oahu, Hawaii.

“The ability to have fracture and pelvic stabilization capabilities from an IFAK is an advantageous addition for our soldiers and trained first responders.”
– Dennis Lyons, Director of Business Development for Tactical Medical Solutions®.

4 Responses to “Tactical Medical Solutions TacMed Introduces the RISE (Rigid Immobilization System for Extremities)”

  1. James says:

    That’s slick!

    • Papa6 says:

      And the price is right too!

      • Sunny says:

        Its some 1USD Plastic Sheet – it better should.

        • James says:

          It’s quite a bit more than that! A lot of design went into this thing, takes mods people have been doing to Sam splints and combines features from the old waxed cardboard splints, improves them and does it with a thinner lighter stronger material than either. Having one in hand I’m really astounded at price. May be a bit much for some IFaks but will fit right in to CLS and first line.