GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Combat Cloth Face Covering Available for Order in Quantities from One to One Million

Clothier Design Source, LLC (Cage Code:6XKG6) is pleased to announce it is now producing the Army Official Combat Cloth Face Covering (CCFC) for singular ordering in addition to bulk purchasing.

The Army and Air Force had requested a rapid supply of the CCFC’s prior to the DLA being able to procure and issue these face coverings.  Allocated funds were provided by the Army and Air Force to AAFES to purchase the CCFC masks and they are now being distributed to Army and Air Force Exchange Stores nationwide for immediate purchase.

The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center designed and developed Army Face Coverings based on the guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Defense (DoD) to wear cloth face coverings when social distancing protocols could not be met. These rugged yet soft face coverings are washable, form fitting, and double layered with adjustable flex-aluminum nose bridge featuring elastic cord and adjustable barrel locks for securing to the face. The face covering is not regulated by the FDA.

CCFC products have been assigned the following National Stock Numbers (NSN):

Type II Combat Cloth Face Coverings (CCFC):

Available Now: Class 4 Tan499 Polyester/ Cotton Plain Weave.

No National Stock Number Assigned.

Available Now: Class 5 Black Polyester/ Cotton Plain Weave.

National Stock Number (NSN) 8415-01-692-4240

Call for Availability Class 6: OCP Polyester/ Cotton Plain Weave.

National Stock Number (NSN) 8415-01-687-8956

An NSN is a 13-digit numeric code, identifying all the “standardised material items of supply” as they have been recognised by all NATO countries including United States Department of Defense, and allows for any of the 29 NATO militaries to purchase the Combat Cloth Face Covering (CCFC) on a “military catalogue” basis, significantly simplifying the procurement process. The assignment of an NSN is also relevant to non-NATO customers in that it is considered to signify that the product has achieved a certain level of acceptance by the world’s most discerning defence customers, the members of NATO and NATO’s allies.

The St. Paul, MN. Woman-owned Small Business (WOSB) expects that these NSNs will assist its sales efforts in both NATO and non-NATO countries.

In October 2020, Clothier Design Source had announced here on Soldier Systems that they were producing the CCFC. The assignment of the NSNs were followed by the Company’s first substantial order for these Face Coverings in supplying AAFES; the Army Air Force Exchange Service with an initial order for 190,000 Units.

If you have a large quantity for micro-purchase, P-Card, PO or RFQ please contact Clothier Design Source at (651) 225-8025 or Laura@mlc-clothier.com. The CCFC is also available through GSA Advantage Contract #GS-07F-032BA; MAS Schedule SIN 339113R and you can contact Cliff.Vaughan@armyproperty.com.

5 Responses to “Combat Cloth Face Covering Available for Order in Quantities from One to One Million”

  1. Joe_K says:

    Refuse to comply with Socialist “Health Mandates”

  2. Papa6 says:

    Kind of seems like a “day late and a dollar short”. Oh wait, now we have to be terrified of all the new variants out there . . .