SIG SAUER - Never Settle

2021 Crye Precision Catalog

There are a couple of surprises in there as well as a hint at a new cold weather clothing system called Alpine Terrain Operations (ATO) which is assuredly designed based on lessons learned from CP’s participation in the Nordic Combat Uniform Program.

Get your copy here.

5 Responses to “2021 Crye Precision Catalog”

  1. GANDIS says:

    Glad to see is Alice still kickin it.

  2. FranktheTank says:

    unfortunately not, she ded

  3. Mehmaster says:

    I just saw a version of her rocking a carbon fiber frame and a multicam bag. I think once the gwot generation retires I she will finally fade away.

    • mike says:

      A number of packs made where I work are made to attach to ALICE frames. We sell Mystery Ranch NICE frames as well, but I see the packs on metal ALICE frames pretty frequently. I guess if the ALICE frame is free and the NICE frame costs $400 that solves it for a lot of people.

  4. Iggy says:

    Good to see the Scandia connection. Let’s see if the mesh baselayers take off so the other layers can work how they’re meant to.