
Desert Fox 6L Overland Gas Bag

Designed as an alternative to Jerry cans, these fuel bags are flexible and come with a fuel spout which stores inside a dust-proof integrated pouch.

Also available in 3 and 20 Liter sizes. Get yours here.

4 Responses to “Desert Fox 6L Overland Gas Bag”

  1. Samuel Suggs says:

    Seems like a puncture would be a disaster. But might be useful considering the increased use of small generators and vehicles.

    • Adam says:

      DPVs had a fuel bag option. This is a pretty cool offering!

    • rcbusmc24 says:

      Small puncture in a jerry can or fuel jug is a disaster as well….. just saying. We are still using fuel bladders on our Zodiacs so the idea of using something similar for other stuff is appealing… Bladders tend to stay where I put them with a minimum of clipping in, jugs and cans not as much… Include a small hand pump and hose and now I don’t even need to move the things or just direct feed as needed.

  2. MRC says:

    Fuel bags were used for years on the Z-birds, I’m surprised it took this long for someone to offer them for on land use.