SureFire XC3

My Favorite Armed Forces Network Commercial of All Time

Youtube user AFRTSfan is archiving as much Armed Forces Radio and Television Service content seen on US military overseas TV broadcasts as possible with over 3,600 videos so far. Fortunately, my favorite commercial of all time is there, “We Will Rock You” but don’t rock that rip-off vending machine in the day room.

6 Responses to “My Favorite Armed Forces Network Commercial of All Time”

  1. Bill says:

    Anyone else remember when the vending machines had beer in them ?

  2. Brando says:

    So many years of TSgt Terry Lohrhammer doing the weather report and really REALLY crappy “commercials.” I think my favorite was the pro-wrestler guy yelling at us while trying to explain how to do laundry efficiently.

    • Josh Oien says:

      At Camp Kinser in the 90’S, when out of beer money we’d pool our change, and play the slots at the base bowling alley. After a good pay out, you’d return to the barracks with a laundry bag full of quarters slung over the shoulder and proceed to empty the vending machine of all beer.