GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Hardweather – Made In USA Caps

I keep hearing that no one can source made in USA caps. Meet Hardweather. Their caps aren’t just made in the USA, they are made in The Black Hills of South Dakota?.

Their two styles are the Camper and 5 Panel caps. Granted, they aren’t cheap, but that’s because they are made from great materials in small batches.


16 Responses to “Hardweather – Made In USA Caps”

  1. Michael Bradley says:

    What’s with the bill on the cap? Looks stupid! They sell to skateboarders?

    • SSD says:

      Have you been living under a rock for the past 20 years? That’s what people who spend money wear.

      Bills can be shaped. You’ve obviously never served in the military. That flat bill is how every issue cap comes.

      • Mark says:

        I am going to disagree with you.

        Fllat bill style hats, like these, CANNOT be shaped like traditional curved bill ball caps can.

        Flat bill hats, like tight/skinny pants, are a style that I am hoping will fade away, soon.

        • SSD says:

          They can, apparently you just lack the skill and strength required. I’ll give you a hint. Use hot water.

        • Geoff says:

          Ball caps only fit into detention center property bags if the brims are curved…..a true tragedy.

      • Michael Bradley says:

        Yes, I have been living under a rock. I do no like the fashion choice of straight bills.Really, you can shape bills? What will they think of next. oh, BTW, 22 years in the Army. Had my share of headgear types. I learned the process of bending the bill in a cup of water to get the shape.

    • iggy says:

      Got a problem with skateboarders?

  2. Patrick L Gaskill says:

    I sent them an Email. They need to add a patch panel and maybe team up with people like John at Warrior Poet Society. A custom run with their logo would be pretty cool.

  3. Patrick L Gaskill says:

    I sent them an email to offer or add patch panels. A Warrior Poet Society run of hats would also be cool.

  4. mike says:

    My Kuhl hat (that Admin introduced me to!) has been long-discontinued and my eBay searches have only netted me disappointing wrong-labeled caps that weren’t the right model. The camper looks like the perfect replacement! Great shape; No squatchee!

  5. Michael Bradley says:

    I love this page, no holds barred and I bought some really cool stuff referenced here. Alrighty, back under my rock.

  6. Bob says:

    I got my hat from Tactical Tailor. Made in Tacoma, curved bill and all.