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US Space Force Teases Prototype Service Dress

“Boom!” goes the dynamite at US Space Force as yesterday they unveiled their new enlisted rank insignia and today they release the prototype of their service dress uniform with this social media post.

“Today, Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond unveiled the Guardian Service Dress prototype during the Air Force Association’s #ASC21.”

41 Responses to “US Space Force Teases Prototype Service Dress”

  1. mudd says:

    I’m pretty sure the hotel valet I had in India had the same uniform.

    WoW, talk about disincentive.. can you imagine going to a formal military function.. or worse, a civilian function with this silly suit? How may times would you be asked to “get me another drink”

    • SSD says:

      This guy never got anybody any drinks.

      • mudd says:

        This guy, with delusions of granduer beleived in reincarnation and thought he took part in every notable battle since the Roman times.. also never got the above clown suit adopted.

      • Lcon says:

        This uniform actually fit with the time though. In the 1930s you have the age of the Rocketeer, motorcycle riders and even police sported similar jackets. I mean the helmet wasn’t the intended on the uniform. It’s a Washington red skins helmet.
        At the time German and Soviet forces of the era they had their own unique uniforms for tank crews part practical part esprit de corps. These were meant to be work wear, like the modern tanker coveralls.

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Waiters do not wear medals.

  2. mudd says:

    On the plus side.. you could easily crash parties,”I’m with the band”

  3. Lcon says:

    They went sci-fi deep sci-fi. It comes off as a costume.

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Then they should have gone all in wiht a silver uniform and fishbowl headcovers. And death-rays as standard issue sidearm!

  4. Mike292 says:

    Man…getting paid by Uncle Sugar to be a professional LARPER. Must be nice.

  5. Philip says:

    On the bright side, at least the AF will no longer hold the title for worst service dress.

  6. Strike-Hold says:

    So, what are these folks actually doing besides designing Star Fleet’s new uniforms and insignia?

    Enquiring minds want to know…

  7. Davy Crockett says:

    You aholes won’t be making fun of those uniforms when they’re the vanguard of our counterattack against the alien armada.

  8. todd sterling says:

    looks better than the maroon ones (startrek 2-6)

  9. Ross B says:

    Gigantic Pants Division …

  10. Gene says:

    Oh, that’s just hideous. Beyond the design of the coat, who the hell decided on contrasting trousers? That’s terrible. At the very least, make the trouser color match. Better, scrap it all and start over. I do like the idea of having it in that dark navy blue.

    I’ve always considered the current Bundeswehr dress uniform to be pretty neat.

  11. 32sbct says:

    That is horrid! How could anyone look at that and say “wow, that looks great, let’s go with it.” I’d be totally embarrassed to wear that in public.

  12. Kit Badger says:

    I thought we already worked this out. Classic Star Trek.

    Junior Enlisted get the Redshirt…

  13. What is going on with the collar? Is a tie to be worn and then covered up standard?

  14. Mike says:

    Honestly, the Steve Carell comedy with current USAF uniforms and black shirts was pretty good. Simple, zero-cost change, shows it’s distinctive, and doesn’t look like… that.


  15. PJ2RESQU2 says:

    With a dress uniform like that… mandatory preferred pronouns will be next under Space Force signature blocks.

  16. Will says:

    They have an awful lot of ribbons for a branch of service that is only a few years old. It seems like all the branches are giving out participation ribbons now. Sad.

    • Andrew says:

      You know the Space Force is comprised of prior service members from several branches, right? They didn’t just create a service out of whole cloth and begin by recruiting people off the street.

    • SSD says:

      She’s a Lieutenant Colonel.

    • Mike H. says:

      The US Army has been handing out “participation ribbons” since 1905. The first was the Civil War Campaign Medal awarded to all Union soldiers who served between 1861-1865. The Navy and Marines did the same in 1908. British army participation ribbons go back to Waterloo.

      Generally speaking, if a servicemember is in theater for the requisite period of time, they will receive a campaign ribbon, regardless of combat status.

      Four personal awards, two Joint and two Service, doesn’t seem abnormal for a 20 year post-command Lt Col.

  17. Andrew says:

    Meh, not as bad as I anticipated. The McPeak stripes on the cuff is my biggest complaint, just makes my eye twitch.

    • SSD says:

      That’s sleeve braid to denote commissioned officers. USAF mess dress uniforms have it as well.

  18. Joe R. says:

    Still think the Space Force should have come out of the ranks of the U.S. NAVY.

    People are going to be traveling and living in space soon. We need people who are used to living on vehicles traversing a great void, living there without seeing anything but horizon. Trained in living in close quarters, nearly constantly on watch, permanently rehearsing damage control. Ready to repel all boarders.

    The uniform issue above would have been solved as a “work uniform” first. The dress uniform could follow, but you’re going to need some boondockers and bell bottoms type uniforms by the truckload before you have to worry about ceremonies.

  19. SGT Heintz says:

    I thought that at least they would go with 9 buttons for 9 planets or something like that.

  20. Jack Luz says:

    This is the worst idea since the Air Force tried to replace their dress blues with a dress uniform that was more suited for the airlines, back in the 1990s.

  21. Sean says:

    OMG…my eyes. Ok I take back everything I said, go back to the starship trooper uniforms. Somehow this is….worse:/ Also for the love of Gods and Country please please please hire a tailor next time.