
ESSTAC Using MDM 21 Crayon Sales to Benefit Family of Cpl Lopez

With Modern Day Marine 2021 cancelled, ESSTAC wasn’t sure what to do with their gag business cards. Turns out, they’ve found a far better cause for them to go to, honoring the 13 Americans who gave their lives this past month.

Hunter Lopez was an ESSTAC fan and an avid user of their products and many other companies.

May He Rest In Peace, and no one forget his sacrifice.

ALL Procedes from the sale of these crayons will go to Hunter Lopez’s family via the following fundraiser…. ESSTAC will match money taken in from the MDM 21 crayon sales.

Adding these to your cart should apply free shipping to your order. Order as many as can afford.

3 Responses to “ESSTAC Using MDM 21 Crayon Sales to Benefit Family of Cpl Lopez”

  1. Victor DiCosola says:

    Thank you for posting this.

  2. El Terryble says:

    “Vengeance is the Lord’s”- looking at you Milley, Austin, and Biden