SureFire XC3

Fibrotex – Camo Trio Operational View

Fibrotex’ Signature Management Systems are designed to be adaptable to the mission and the asset that needs to be concealed. The Fibrotex team is constantly adapting to the ever-changing battlefield requirements. The three elements of total force concealment are Mobile, Static, and dismounted troops signature management, they rely and depend on each other. Without all of them, our operational abilities are reduced and end-up placing our operators in harms way.

The Systems listed below are a few of the more popular solutions within the Fibrotex arsenal.

The Ultra-Lightweight Camouflage Net System (ULCANS). While already a program of records accessible to all US DOD branches, it is the workhorse of Fibrotex’ Signature Management systems. With the proper amount of Hex and diamonds linked together, you can cover any asset within the Military’s inventory. With the UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, Thermal, and RADAR scattering capabilities. Our unique app, amongst other information and tactical guidelines, has a section that lists typical configurations (the App ULCNAS is available both on google play and on the Apple App store). This shows common military vehicles and other assets and the ULCANS sections required and in what order to properly conceal that asset. This is just one of several resources that can be found for the end-user.

A hex and two diamonds set up covering a midsize SUV from 50 meters.

The front of this ULCANS is open to ensure the vehicle is prepped for a quick exfil from 10 meters.

An ULCANS used to hide the Radar signature of this Combat Rubber Raiding Craft.

The Sophia kit is the brainchild between French Commandos and our CEO, Eyal Malleron. It is the true and only DIY (do-it-yourself) kit in the field. 2.6 meters by 33 running meters of material rated for UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, and thermal spectrums fitted into a kitbag with ruck straps, a hook-pile tape opening at the top, and snap links at the bottom. It is restricted only by the end-user’s creativity. The material has a crush factor making a 3-D effect without the extra weight or excessive snagging. Perfect for hiding unique items.

A series of Sophia sections attached to a US Marine UTV with three Marines inside in comparison with a Mid-size SUV at 50 meters.

A still image from drone footage of a ridgeline in Montana. A Nine-man Recon team is concealed underneath a section of Sophia. The drone operator was unable to locate the team after a detailed search of the ridgeline.

33 meters doesn’t sound like a lot of material until you see it stretched out in front of you.

The NOA is a favorite of the Fibrotex Signature Management Systems. Capabilities ranging from UV, Vis, NIR, SWIR, and thermal and 30% denser than the ULCANS material to cater to the dismounted troops. With the ability to be worn on the body and then linked together to be used as an OP Kit. It’s also strong enough of a material to be used as a pole-less litter in the event of a casualty. With multiple uses, it cuts down on the overall weight of the shooter’s kit.

Four NOAs linked together in an OP configuration with a US Marine Observing out of a loophole.

A Recon Marine wearing a NOA moving from a grey rocky environment to a green pine thicket.

A Sniper team sets up a hasty final firing position using two NOAs linked together around the M110 SASS.

The same FFP from the inside of the system.

The Nightwalker is a niche signature management suit that focuses on the thermal spectrum. Best used for Long Offset leaders Recon, Y-Offset Raids, and amphibious insertions. The material is similar to a tracksuit and is extremely lightweight.

A US Marine demonstrates the thermal signature management capabilities of the Nightwalker at 10 meters.

The longer you work with these systems in the field the more uses and better techniques you can develop. Every repetition leads to a higher chance of mission success. Unseen, Unbeaten!

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By Conner Rees. He is a signature management Field Representative with Fibrotex USA after having spent 9 years as A Reconnaissance Marine and Scout Sniper with 2D Reconnaissance Battalion.

This guest post was provided by FibroTex at the request of SSD after reviewing their technologies during AUSA 2021.

2 Responses to “Fibrotex – Camo Trio Operational View”

  1. RJ says:

    This kit is fantastic, a real evolution in camouflage. Well done, Fibrotex!

    • Conner Rees says:

      Thank you! We are very proud that our systems are being used to protect american troops!