GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

OT Defense Issues Letter Explaining Why They’re Sitting SHOT Show Out

Micah Huyett, the owner of OT Defense shared this letter with us and a note explaining “if enough of us small companies did this perhaps the show leader ship would realize they need exhibitors.”

23 Responses to “OT Defense Issues Letter Explaining Why They’re Sitting SHOT Show Out”

  1. John says:

    Bravo, brother! Way to stand your ground. As Aaron Tippin once sang, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” I hope more Americans will start standing their ground and not keep giving in to ridiculous mandates.

  2. Iggy says:

    Thanks for this. This is exactly why I’m not attending.

  3. Jim says:

    I already have products from OTD but I’m going to go right now and place another order just for this.

  4. Joe_K says:

    COVID was and is a test to see how much resolve we have in our convictions and beliefs in our faith. I myself have failed and stooped to acquiesce to the diktats of our would be Slave Masters. They were able to trick me and millions of other Christians around the world to forget, if even for but one moment that our help comes not from our Governments, Doctors, Scientists, Nurses, Careers, or Employers, no, our help comes from the LORD who made Heaven and Earth.

    There is a vile and wicked plot to enslave every Man, Woman, and Child on this planet, and some of us still have fallen for it.

    I applaud Micah Huyett at OT Defense for his stance, regardless of wether we share the same views on Faith, Politics, or Individual Liberty, his stand is courageous and commendable. May many individuals more follow suit.

    “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
    ??Joshua? ?1:9? ?KJV?

    • SawGunner556 says:

      I am glad that Micah Huyett of OT Defense is standing his ground on his and everyone’s personal freedom. However, Joe_K, you are going off the deep in! There isn’t a master evil plan from the sinister Satan and his earthly minions trying to corrupt innocent Christians. Keep drinking the conspiracy Kool-Aid

      • WarBro says:

        Open your eyes bruh!

      • Joe_K says:

        There most certainly is. The physical/visual evidence and proof is on my side.
        Internationally, (and in many cases Nationally), we’ve seen:
        – Houses of Worship closed.
        – Humans made in the image of God forced to hide their face.
        – People tricked and coerced into accepting poison as a cure for something that
        kills slightly more people than the Flu, Pneumonia, and Cold, that just so
        happens to spike at Flu, Pneumonia, and Cold season.
        – People confined to their homes.
        – People’s livelihoods ruined.
        – Freedom of speech silenced.
        – Humans imprisoned for failure to follow arbitrary new “rules”.
        – Dictionary definitions changed to fit the narrative.
        – Food, movement, work, and other critical resources denied unless documents
        are presented to show proof of compliance with the sterilization protocols.
        – Massive increases in heart conditions in otherwise healthy/fit young people.
        – Coerced illegal vaccination of the Military.
        – Massive increase in stillborn or miscarried children.
        – Coerced vaccination on the least at risk population group, children and young
        – Everyone from Moderna, Walgreens, Faucci, Gates, Trump, Biden, DeSantis,
        Gupta, all violating the Nuremberg code by promoting human vaccine
        research trials.

        Political, Religious, and Private sector “Leaders” all parroting what they’re told to say all of the following lies:

        “Vaccines are the way out of this”
        “Masks don’t work”
        “Only N95 masks work”
        “Anything worn on your face works as a mask”
        “Wear 2 masks”
        “Masks only protect if everyone wears them”
        “The vaccines are safe and effective”
        “99% of people hospitalized are unvaccinated”
        “2 weeks to flatten the curve”
        “If you get vaccinated you can take your mask off”
        “The vaccines only work if everyone gets them”

        If you can’t see what this is, I’m truly sorry, but you’re going to need a massive amount of evidence to even begin to suggest that this isn’t a diabolical plot. I suppose the alternative is massive stupidly on the part of 90% of the Governments, Scientists, Doctors, Printed News, News Media, Social Media, Industry/Labor Leaders, and CEO’s?

        • Iggy says:

          Interesting post. It’s worth referencing other countries not with the same leadership and societal issues the US has to compare.

  5. Ex Coelis says:

    Micah Huyett – BRAVO ZULU. And for what they’ve said(Gov’t) versus what you’ve(Micah) just said, well said. Very well said, indeed…

  6. Iggy says:

    We need a parallel show in another casino for those who have refused masks and the vax.

    • Sasquatch says:

      Why? If masks and vaccinations work, let people wear them and be safe from those of us that don’t give a shit. If the vax’d and masked people don’t want to join us at the show, then that’s kind of telling about their convictions.

      • iggy says:

        I was thinking more just to cash in on the hysteria and double up the market opportunity. Conspiracy or no, capitalism is alive and well and this is a golden opportunity.

  7. M@tt says:

    Just another reason to bring SHOT back to Florida!!!

  8. Puddin says:


  9. El Terryble says:

    Masks don’t work; every randomized, clinical, scientific study says so, other than the ones that use mannequins rather than actual people. This is genocide. If it’s not, tell me why Ivermectin, which won a Noble Prize in medicine, isn’t allowed, but Remdimsivir is, which sucks as a Covid treatment and causes renal failure.

  10. Dave says:

    I am glad Micah doesn’t wear a seatbelt due to concerns with restrictions to freedoms.

    • BFW says:

      I am glad you equate getting sick to being ejected through the windshield of a vehicle after a collision at 60+ mph.