TYR Tactical

NATO Mountain Warfare Rescue Exercise in Slovenia

This video of a recent NATO Mountain Warfare Rescue exercise in Slovenia features the Gravity Industries Jet Suit.

7 Responses to “NATO Mountain Warfare Rescue Exercise in Slovenia”

  1. Doc Ras says:

    So they used a flight medic…

    • Mike says:

      He followed the road. Wouldn’t an ATV have been just as fast? I realize the idea is he can go where ATVs can’t. But he didn’t do that…

  2. corsair says:

    There’s a lot of politicians, senior officers and jr enlisted that are enamored with this jet-pack and very desperate to find a use for it. Unfortunately, the entire apparatus takes up a lot of real-estate on the body thus limiting how much gear can be moved, is limited in range and as we saw with the ship boarding demo, the user is vulnerable. Short-range, high-angle and over-water transportation of medical supplies may be its only niche.

  3. Iggy says:

    That all looks cool and fun, and the Slovenians definitely know a thing or two about Mountain Warfare, but almost none of that video made any real world sense.

  4. Hubb says:

    That jet pack would be useful for avoiding mines, UXOs & IEDs.

    • Adamn says:

      Yeah. But it attracts small arms fire and maybe AAA.

      It is very interesting alternative mean of transport, just like air cabs. Ok, it’s loud as f*** so no element of surprise, heavy and bulky so limited carrying capacity, the pilot has no way of operating a weapon… probably no use in current form factor. Still, nice to see science fiction becoming reality in front of our eyes. I’m waiting for them to add iron man armor suit and a weapon on the shoulder aimed by eye movement like a chaingun in apache.

  5. H says:

    Drones would make more sense.