GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Senex Arms

Senex Arms will be exhibiting their Modular Bullpup Light Rifle 15 (MBLR-15) at SHOT Show 2022 in booth 80826.

Pictured above is the MBLR-15 with Mid-Length handguards, 18″ barrel, and an A2 muzzle device coming in at 27.5″ OAL.

Key features are available in the technical datasheet but here are a few of the highlights:

– AR15 parts compatibility
– Quick barrel change
– Shortest rifle in the world

6 Responses to “Senex Arms”

  1. Iggy says:

    Left or right handed isn’t the same as ambidextrous. The same problem bullpups have always had.

    • Capt. Mike says:

      Can you please further explain? Just trying to fully understand your concerns.

      Thank you.

      • DC says:

        I assume he’s talking about the need to replace the bolt and to swap around some parts in order to switch ejection from right to left side. It’s not the same problem bullpups have always had though as the Kel-tec ejects downward and the FN FS2000 ejects out the front. Those can be truly ambidextrous.

  2. Dylan says:

    Weirdest data sheet I’ve ever read.

  3. Alienmode says:

    I doubt this thing will ever come to market, I get the feeling we’re looking at another Pancor Jackhammer or Crye 6-12 unfortunately

  4. Jennifer says:

    Sorry we missed you at The Shot Show; we are a headwear Distributor, below is a summary of some of the ballcaps we can make for you both domestically and imports. I would love to have your business,