
8th Annual Future Soldier Technology Conference and Exhibition

LONDON, LONDON, UK – There is only one month left for the 8th Annual Future Soldier Technology Conference and Exhibition to return to London on March 8-10, 2022 along with The State of the Dismounted Soldier Awareness Focus Day on March 7, 2022.

As the world’s leading meeting dedicated to promoting the technology of the late soldier, Future Soldier Technology 2022 will provide an attractive network space to foster new business relationships and discuss current requirements and experiences in equipment modernization.

This event usually sells out early – for those interested in attending the conference, it is advised to register soon to avoid disappointment. Register at

Delegates will have the opportunity to hear key updates on future soldier programs from these countries: UK, France, Portugal, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, USA and more.

Featured presentations include:

• Brigadier General Matthew Kansdale, Head of Future Force Development, British Army, presents: “Soldier of the Future: Transforming the British Army

• Lieutenant-Colonel Sebastien Jasnier, Deputy Branch, Department of Doctrinal and Advanced Studies of the Infantry, School of Infantry of the French Armed Forces, Presentation: Increasing Awareness of the Soldier’s Mortal and Dismantled Condition through Improving Weapons Optics

• Major Pedro Miguel Martins Grifo, Staff Officer (Area Coordinator – C4I, ISTAR, EW) Capabilities Branch, Portuguese Army*, Presentation: Development of Disassembled Portuguese Soldiers Systems to Enhance Situation Awareness

• Major Philip Riom, Soldier System Project Manager, Land Requirements Directorate, Canadian Armed Forces, Presentation: Improving Soldier Maneuverability through the Canadian ISSP

• Colonel Michael Basingthwaite, Army Adviser, London, Australian Defense Staff, Presentation: Promoting Situational Awareness for the Disbanded Australian Soldier

• Colonel Jan H. Funk, Program Leader STRONG, Defense Materials Organization, Dutch Ministry of Defense and Ms. Elsie Crosen, Director of System Integration Single Soldier, Defense Materiel Organization, Dutch Armed Forces Presentation: Strong Program: Strengthening the Capabilities of the Dutch Separate Soldier

• Major Magnus Hallberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Digital Security Support System (LCD DSS), NATO/Swedish Armed Forces, Presentation: Development of the future NATO Soldiers System

• Mr. Geert Vanlenthout, Program Director, Night Vision Capability Program, OCCAR-EA, Presentation: OCCAR: Enhancing Night Vision Capacity for Participating Countries

• Lt. Col. Denny Drich, PdM PEO Ground Soldier Systems, PEO Soldier, US Army, Presentation: Transforming a Soldier’s Awareness of Conditions through the Nett Warrior IVAS Program

*Subject to final confirmation

The full agenda and speaker line is available at

Future Soldiers Technology Conference
Conference: 8-9 March 2022
Pre-Conference Focus Day: 7 March 2022
Main Sponsor: Glenair | Golden Sponsor: Thales | Sponsors and exhibitors: 3M, Bren-Tronics, Domo Tactical Communications, Excelitas Qioptiq, FalCom, Instro Precision, L3Harris, Marlborough Communications, Silvus Technologies, Steatite, Teleplan Globe, Ultra Electronics

For inquiries related to sponsorship and exhibition, contact Sadia Malik Saadia Malik, Director at: +44 (0) 20 7827 6748 or email

For delegate inquiries, contact James Hitchen at: +44 (0) 20 7827 6054 or email

One Response to “8th Annual Future Soldier Technology Conference and Exhibition”

  1. Joe_K says:

    Wait, if there won’t be any Soldiers in the future, why do we need future Soldier technology?