SIG SAUER - Never Settle

801st EMXS Prepares to Defend as Multi-Capable Airmen


The 801st Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron conducted airfield security operations during a Multi-Capable Airmen training event, led by the 332d Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia, April 5, 2022.

Tech. Sgt. Timothy Betz, 332d ESFS flight sergeant, and his team developed a tailored training program to prepare 801st EMXS Airmen for airfield defense support. The training focused on small team perimeter security, personnel placement for aircraft defense, and basic defense postures.

“The training provides discrete, low-visibility security force protection techniques to non-security force Airmen to aide in the protection of assets transiting within the Air Forces Central Command theatre of operations,” said Betz. “Through this training, each maintainer enhanced their Multi-Capable Airman skills and widened their perspective on the importance of establishing security for an aircraft in any location.”

Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Shroyer, 801st EMXS senior enlisted leader, explained how this training is more than beneficial; it is essential.

“Our Airmen walked away from the training with a critical new mindset for the Air Force’s future fight,” Shroyer said. 

The 801st EMXS conducts maintenance on HC-130J Combat King II aircraft and HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters in support of Combat Search and Rescue Operations.

By MSgt Christopher Parr, 332d Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

8 Responses to “801st EMXS Prepares to Defend as Multi-Capable Airmen”

  1. XERXES036 says:

    “Undisclosed location” lol

  2. Liam Haakon Athias Babington says:

    UMMMMMM….that is something that is been going on for a while. I just wish more maintainers would take their tactical training seriously. The battle space is asymmetrical and should be addressed accordingly!!

  3. tirod3 says:

    The ONLY time I ever used a rubber rifle was on the 12 miler and a bayonet training course.

    Air Force needs to step up and use the real thing. It’s not like it has live ammo in it, but blanks and interactive fire would be an improvement.

    AF Air Security officers took the IN course to qualify when I was there, they had their heads screwed on right.

  4. Billy says:

    I can hear General WTFIMN “We trust our Airmen so much we train with rubber weapons”.

    I guess the leadership who dreamed up this training program never heard the very important statement…”train like you fight, fight like you trained”.

  5. Mike says:

    At least the airmen in the first two pics are wearing their hi-visibility safety vests…

  6. Philip says:

    “Multicapable Airmen” sounds like this decade’s iteration of “do more with less”.

    More continues to be expected as the “less” keeps dwindling.

  7. Sarge says:

    After reading some of these comments I have to laugh at all of these HERO’S. Every branch of the military is important, Every career field is important. If you would have learned to read and write you could have been in a quality force also. Now suck it up butter cup.