
Trijicon MRO Ranger Wrap

Ranger Wrap offers self-applied Cordura fabric skins for optics whoch both protect and provide camouflage.

The MRO model was a difficult optic to design due to the lack of flat surfaces a lnd their goal of minimizing the number of pieces.

Made from Mil-spec Cordura fabric and 3M adhesive. 100% made in the USA.

6 Responses to “Trijicon MRO Ranger Wrap”

  1. Stickman says:

    Looks great!!

    • Steve says:

      Does it?

      I guess if you use the definition of ‘great’ from ‘the MRO is a great optic’ it makes sense. I own one, but the parallax was bad enough I won’t put it on anything beyond a pistol-caliber carbine.

      • It seems to be pretty hit and miss without a specific “why” declared yet. For some people the MRO is just fine; I like the overall design / concept, but like others I ran into image shift that drove me crazy, as a result I quickly switched it out for a T2-micro.
        But anyway, Ranger Wrap looks like they did a good just sectioning out the pieces to minimize wrinkles.

      • rc says:

        What’s not great is the greatest target indicator, the flash from the actual front of the optic is not addressed, lmao

  2. Jack Griffin says:

    I have questions:

    Is the audience for this product the same guy that keeps the yellow splitter guard on the front of his Challenger?

    And I am supposed to wrap the rest of the weapon? Upper, lower, rail, furniture, etc.

    I am impressed at the NASA levels of autism required to get a nice flat wrap on some of these items but it is what it is: fashion. Especially for carry optics widgets. Putting camo fabric on my micro RDS and Surefire X300 is straight Instagram nonsense. But that crowd is buckets of $$$.

    Cordura wraps have their place on external hard gear like plastic holsters and mag pouches (Safariland offers this) as these items are constantly getting banged on and can get pretty shiny. My old ALS is starting to look like baklava with all the rattlecan layers coming off it in different spots.