SureFire XC3

Springfield Armory – The Way of the Warrior

Having dedicated his life to living by the Bushido code, Tu Lam’s more than two decades of service in the U.S. Army and his background in advanced martial arts has allowed him to bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the firearms and tactics community — as well as a unique philosophical perspective.

Live life without fear. Face your struggles and extract the higher lessons of life. Face your pain, and understand that it’s temporary. Live life in every breath. Live and die for something meaningful. That’s the way of a warrior.

9 Responses to “Springfield Armory – The Way of the Warrior”

  1. Sasquatch says:

    Full disclosure – I couldn’t get past the first 30 seconds of that video. It was painfully cringe worthy. But I guess being a collab with Tu Lam and Springfield, I suppose that makes sense.

    • Iggy says:

      He needs to research what bu shi do actually translates as cos it ain’t that that silly new age stuff.

  2. Gerard says:

    This guy should be a role model for youth who lead aimless lives.

  3. Ray Forest says:

    Is it true that 15 minutes after this video AWS had a directly copied the M1A SOCOM? Rebranded as the USASOC Biggie14?

  4. EE says:

    Wow there’s a lot of haters on the internet for no reason. The keyboard warriors really need to get their priorities straight XD. Talking shit about someone who stands for God & Country is so pathetic. You all sound like a bunch of commies.

  5. SecondGradeMath says:

    He better be careful, imagine what a rifle like that could do to your own foot if you shot your own foot with the gun that you were using. I know it’s unlikely, but not impossible, that a skilled “operator” would shoot his own foot, but in the highly unlikely event that he did it would be very bad.