GORE-Tex Professional

The Light Fighter Manifesto Volume One

Historically, light fighters fought as scouts, raiders, and skirmishers—who fought in a loose formation ahead of the main effort to harass, delay, disrupt supply lines, and generally “soften up” an enemy before the main battle.

The Light Fighter must embody a light fighting ethic that exists and manifests itself into a distinctive tactical style, with freedom from dependence on fixed lines of communication, and with a strong propensity for self-reliance.

Today’s wars calls for like minded individuals to build a community of thinkers who use broadly available commercial technologies and proven tactics to be an asset; in all operating environments.

The Light Fighter Manifesto Zine is a way for Subject Matter Experts to put pen to paper and share ideas and best practices. LFM has no ads, or filler content, but just honest advice from respectable individuals.

Christopher M. Rance, founder and editor of LFM, sought out to encourage the community to contribute to LFM and all profits will be used to fund future Light Fighter projects, such as the Light Fighter Symposium.

Head on over to CR2 Solutions to grab a copy and support the cause! The first shipment sold out in less than two hours; but a new shipment is coming August 5th. Don’t miss out!


One Response to “The Light Fighter Manifesto Volume One”

  1. ELS says:

    If we missed the Aug 5 drop, should we expect another?