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Air Force Experiments to Expedite Kill Chain, Improve Battle Management


The 705th Combat Training Squadron recently hosted the second virtual Tactical Operations Center-Light experiment iteration in their Distributed Mission Operations Center at Kirtland Air Force Base.

“Twenty-first century large-scale warfare requires our forces to adapt quickly on the move,” said Col. Frank Klimas, 505th Command and Control Wing, Detachment 1 commander, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

The TOC-L event was designed to continue U.S. Air Force development of future battle management concepts intended to expedite kill chains and improve distributed control.

Air battle managers and tactical air control party Airmen traveled to Kirtland AFB from across Air Combat Command, Pacific Air Forces, and U.S. Air Forces in Europe to participate in the experiment.

A TOC-L is purposed lightweight, scalable battle management system that enables tactical C2 elements to relocate quickly, establish advanced datalinks, connect to a variety of sensors via a resilient communication structure, and successfully operate in a denied, degraded, or contested operational environment.

“TOC-L aims to adapt our current systems to new tactics needed for the high-end fight, and the DMOC provides a great environment to test those out,” Klimas said.

The event was the second experiment executed at the DMOC and focused on building and capturing tactics, techniques, and procedures, or TTPs, of the USAFE inspired Agile Control Integration Team while concentrating on integrating additional TOC-L mission sets.

“As the Air Force continues to evolve the TOC-L concept, it’s important to have a venue like the DMOC to bring different career fields together and stress test our ideas for different variations of a TOC-L crew,” said Maj. Carl Plonk, 605th Test and Evaluation Squadron, TOC-L experiment director, Hurlburt Field, Florida. “We’ve made a lot of progress in the first two iterations, and we’re looking forward to integrating into Virtual Flag: Battle Management where we can apply added levels of complexity to see how our techniques hold up.”

Plonk continued, “It’s eye-opening to see how these two career fields innovate to overcome mission challenges with limited traditional resources. We’ve asked the team to think creatively with this experiment because quite frankly, this experiment and others like it are changing the way we will conduct battle management in the future.”

The event expanded TACP capabilities based C2 element integration, which included distributed partnering with Air Support Operations Squadrons across the country. Additionally, the experiment saw joint partner involvement with U.S. Marine Corps air controllers from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, providing operational assessment support to bolster concept development.

“Joint inclusion in this experiment further cements the Air Force’s desire to be dialed into theater integration needs from the start,” said Col. Adam Shelton, 505th Test and Training Group commander, Hurlburt Field, Florida. “Efforts like the Advanced Battle Management System are challenging our service paradigms on battle management to decouple personnel from sensors and our Marine Corps teammates with their approach to combined arms warfare are the best suited to inform these efforts.”

The team plans to integrate the concepts and lessons learned from recent experiments into Virtual Flag: Battle Management in August.

“Integrating Airmen from across these two command and control career fields to further develop these concepts is both exciting and necessary,” said Maj. Dustin Nedolast, 505th Command and Control Wing, Detachment 1, TOC-L experiment director, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. “Collaborative experimentation is key to continually building on the lessons learned throughout these iterations while staying focused on expediting a functional system for the joint force in the future.”

The 705th CTS reports to the 505th Combat Training Group, Nellis AFB, Nevada, and the 505th Command and Control Wing, headquartered at Hurlburt Field, Florida.

By Deb Henley, 505th Command and Control Wing Public Affairs, 505th Command and Control Wing

12 Responses to “Air Force Experiments to Expedite Kill Chain, Improve Battle Management”

  1. Ross says:

    Those beards though! ????

    • Philip says:

      That does look like a pretty deliberately-manicured goatee on the Airman in the first photo…I always thought that a shave chit meant the hair was left alone other than occasional trimming of length for regulatory compliance, not used to style hair to the wearer’s preference.

      Did the reg change that much and we’re just dinosaurs?

      • Yawnz says:

        More like the unwillingness of commanders to address the issue due to…ethnic issues.

        • Jack Griffin says:

          Unpopular take: You’re a faceless piece of meat in a uniform. “Property of US Government” on the CAC? It means the person.

          Shave your head, shave your beard, ditch the jewelry and be the automaton that you are paid to be for 4-20 years. Men and women, all ranks, all MOSs. Somehow it’s become very casual Friday. Probably part of the plan to weaken the last strong institution.

          The above alone would increase professionalism in the military 1000%. No more DMV ladies in S-shops. No more social experiments in infantry. I don’t care if you’re gifted, if you can’t stand being a drone, you’re not worth the dysfunction to the colony.

          Recruiting and retention problems aren’t caused by a lack of diversity, they’re caused by allowing too much in an organization that used to pride itself on stripping away that very thing.


          • Yawnz says:

            Not unpopular with me.

          • Wake27 says:

            Drones don’t think. That tends to be a detriment on the battlefield.

          • Philip says:

            No disagreement from me on that one. But you can’t talk about things like discipline and conformity with this new generation of junior enlisted, all you’ll get is puzzled stares, accusations of racism, and “Ok Boomer”.

            (I’m not even 40!)

  2. drock says:

    wow. shaving waivers getting handed out like motrin 800 these days.

  3. Jason says:

    Clean shaven faces win wars! I’m sure those with facial hair, to include that moustache are lacking in all sorts of discipline and fighting prowess…

    • Sasquatch says:

      If there’s a break in the phalanx’s shield wall, a Visigoth might get a hand in there, grab him by the facial hair, pull him out of formation and put him to the sword.

      Can you live with that on your conscience?

    • Yawnz says:

      In the same vein, telling someone to shave or not wear certain hair styles must be “racism”, right?

      Go be a white dude with a beard like that and see how far your sarcasm gets you.

    • Philip says:

      Red herring. Deployment beards are not in the same vein as garrison appearance expectations.

      It’s not about being clean shaven. It’s about having the personal discipline to adhere to a standard that is beyond the wants and whims of the individual.

      If the ability to uniquely express yourself is that vital to your wellbeing, the military probably ain’t the place for you.