Wilcox BOSS Xe

Blast From The Past – Scorpion

Here’s an image of the tag in the original Scorpion uniforms by Crye Associates, now known as Crye Precision.

4 Responses to “Blast From The Past – Scorpion”

  1. Hodge175 says:

    What a fiasco it all turned into and what it all could have been. The US Army could have 3 patterns right now. Instead we have OCP

    • John says:

      4 if we got the alpine for the arctic troops.. silly that we could have just paid for the license and saved so much money but the contracting team wanted all the rights.

  2. Chuck says:


  3. Joe says:

    It’s been a decade, but Eberlestock Unicam would have been a little more distinctive in a Multicam-derivative world. Still want.