
Viridian Introduces Custom, American-Made Kydex Holsters

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – November 2, 2022 – Viridian Weapon Technologies has officially introduced new American-made kydex holsters to their cutting-edge line of products for concealed carry. These handcrafted, configurable inside and outside waistband designs offer discreet carry and comfort that secure optics, light and laser-equipped firearms so they’re available when needed most.

“Viridian is proud to present these all-new, 100% American-made kydex holsters,” said Viridian President and CEO, Brian Hedeen. “These products are effective, custom and ready for any given situation. They also have the capability to feature our INSTANT-ON ® technology. We’re extremely excited to bring these custom holsters to the firearm community.”

For as low as $49, the inside waistband holster models includes inclusive hole patterns for belt clip placement adjustment ranging from appendix carry to 5 o’clock waist placement. The iconic INSTANT-ON design option immediately turns on the light/laser as the user draws, creating an unmatched tactical advantage.

The configurable inside and outside waistband holster design consists of optional belt clips that give the option to placement for even better concealability. Patented INSTANT-ON technology utilizes magnets to turn on the light, laser, or camera as you draw, eliminating the need to activate manually. These models can be purchased for as low as $69.

Featuring optimized cut for comfort, easy draw and re-holstering, these holsters make for the perfect concealed carry accessories. With premium manufacturing – including Kydex thermoform plastic, hand built production, and field-testing in harsh conditions – Viridian holsters ensure safety and protection.

To learn more about Viridian’s new custom holsters, visit

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