RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

OG Ammo Can

The padded OG Ammo Can from OTTE Gear is designed traveling with loaded AR mags or other sensitive equipment.


4 Responses to “OG Ammo Can”

  1. Naut says:

    I like how they spoilerd that Otto will release some OG (Multicam) Padded NOD Box the coming days 😉 Thanks!

  2. Stephen says:

    How many ar mags will this hold? Surprised there isnt a pic or any text in the description

  3. Tim says:

    Looks to be $60 for ~3-4 mags(judging by photos). I mean if you really like it, then probably a decent investment, but sounds like a tad bit overpriced for what it is. I’d rather get something for $20-30 and a few boxes of 223 ammo from https://gritrsports.com/shooting/ammunition/rifle-ammo/223-ammo/ to actually load the mags, even if once 😀