GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Blast from the Past – The Gear Guru

As we approach our 15th year of daily publication, I’d like to remind everyone that before there was an SSD, there was The Gear Guru which was founded in October 1997 on Geocities of all places. Eventually it received a proper URL.

The Way Back Machine has some archived versions of the site. Check them out if you want to know the secret origins of SSD, back when you had to create pages via HTML.

It was a lot of fun when I did it and I learned a lot.

Eric Graves

11 Responses to “Blast from the Past – The Gear Guru”

  1. Matt5454 says:

    Loved that site! Thanks for all you’ve done over the years!

  2. Jon, OPT says:

    Great times, I remember this well.

  3. Chuck says:


    Want to say thanks for all you’ve done for soldiers over the years. While we’re commenting on the old school shit, who would have guessed a little blog about digital camouflage would have survived this long? 😀

    Thanks for all the news every day man. This place is one hell of an asset.

  4. Sam says:

    This is really cool. I had no idea about this origin story.

  5. Andrew says:

    Gear Guru, Military Morons, and my friend that now owns Kiloniner were my introductions to my passion for tactical gear.

  6. Thanks for all you have done for our Industry over the years Eric, and yes the Wayback Machine is Awesome to check out what websites looked like back in the Good’Ole Days, Kinda Like comparing Atari to the PS5 or XBOX now.

  7. Stephen says:

    Where it ALL started! Great legacy, Eric!

  8. Philip says:

    Has it really been 15 years already? Good god how time flies.

  9. Derek says:

    I visited Gear guru a lot back then. hell Eric, if I met you in person I’d probably still refer to you as the gear guru.

  10. murphquake says:

    More than 25 years! You’ll always be THE GG to me bud!

  11. OmLTSOF says:

    Remember this well. Great to follow!