TYR Tactical

Enforce Tac 23 – H&K SFP9 CC

The SFP9 CC is Heckler & Koch’s answer to the current demand for 9mm compact carry pistols.

This 10 round pistol is still under development but is planned for release. In this configuration, it holds 10 rounds but there are plans for a 13 round magazine.

10 Responses to “Enforce Tac 23 – H&K SFP9 CC”

  1. Scott says:

    Is this intended to be a micro compact like the P365 and Hellcat?

    • Billybob says:

      Yes, supposedly the specs are pretty much inline with the p365 and hellcat. I want one.

  2. Alex says:

    From what I read…somewhere…they (H&K) aren’t planning to release here in the US anytime soon or ever. One of the two…because we suck and they hate us.

  3. Doc Ras says:

    I’m curious if the side number plate indicates that this will be a modular handgun setup similar to the P365. I’m surprised that this does not look to have an out of the box optics ready plate given how this is how every other offering on the market seems to have one. I’m an HK fanboy but I find it had to believe this would coax me from my P365 for daily carry.

    • Billybob says:

      They already said they will have an optics ready version, a version with rail, a version with the button release mag, etc.

      • Gerard says:

        I button mag release is mandatory if Im going to purchase one. I can’t tolerate the paddle style mag release on the trigger guard

        • Horst says:

          The button is for obese, lazy Americans. The paddle is clearly superior.

          • Lcso264 says:

            Yes, what he said. Paddle release is a must! Anyway, it is a somewhat modular fire control design (P320/365) esque…. You can get it with a dust cover rail or without, optic cut or without. & push button or paddles (much like the VP9). It will hit the US market, but who knows when……

  4. Walt H says:

    I love the magazine release with the paddle inside the trigger guard. It just makes sense. Bu t I alreaady have the VP9sk. Other than being optics ready, what is the advantage of the SFP9 over the VP9sk? They hold the same number of rounds. The VP9sk is a sub-compact.

  5. Sev says:

    The paddle was amazing on the USP, on smaller handguns its benefits vs button are less clear.