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Ventus TR2 Is Now CE Certified

Ventus Respiratory Technologies, a designer and manufacturer of specialized respiratory protection, is pleased to announce that our flagship particulate respirator, the TR2, has received CE certification under standards EN-140:1998 and EN-143:2021 P2. The certification, issued by British Standards Institute (BSI), verifies that the TR2 respirator meets the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) standards set out under the European Union’s harmonized legislation for PPE.

With this CE certification, the TR2 becomes the only CE-certified compact, and lightweight respirator explicitly developed for law enforcement, armed forces (LE/AF), and first responders.

The TR2 is a low-profile and low-burden particulate respirator that integrates seamlessly into soldier systems, law enforcement equipment, and first responder protection systems. Developed in collaboration with Tier 1 Special operations soldiers, the TR2 protects users’ health during training and operations in compromised, hazardous, and toxic environments. The TR2 protects against particulate threats, such as lead, silica, antimony, asbestos, dust, and other aerosolized particulate toxins. The TR2 features class-leading, low profile, lightweight design, and communications integration while maintaining seamless compatibility with helmets, ear, and eye protection.

The CE certification process involves extensive testing and assessment of the product and quality systems to meet specific health, safety, and environmental protection standards. Ventus Respiratory Technologies’ commitment to quality and meeting our customer’s high standards are reflected by this certification. Ventus is committed to providing end-users with purpose-built personal protective equipment that meets the highest standards and provides the best possible protection.

“Protecting soldiers is a leadership responsibility,” said Ventus CEO Arjun Grewal, retired Canadian Forces Soldier, “Respiratory health is critical to a soldier’s performance, long-term health, and survivability. No certified product like this exists on a standard scale of the issue, but it should. Gas masks are important against extreme acute threats, but as soldiers, we spend most of our time in environments where known chronic threats like lead, antimony, asbestos and other toxic particulate are abundant, I wish I had this equipment during my 20 year career. We know the TR2 will improve effectiveness in training and operations. It’s time every soldier, police, and first responder is offered this protection to protect against the hazards they face.”

Ventus Respiratory Technologies is dedicated to protect those who protect us. The TR2’s CE certification is a testament to the company’s commitment to providing high-quality, reliable, and effective personal protective equipment.

7 Responses to “Ventus TR2 Is Now CE Certified”

  1. Big Red One - Ramadi OIF II says:

    This reminds me a of the 1980’s GI Joe /// COBRA Crimson Guard.
    Though different, it’s very reminiscent.

    • Joe08 says:

      I think the point is to make a cool looking respirator

      • Arj Grewal says:

        Hey guys, thanks for highlighting the TR2’s design. LCF a.k.a Look Cool Factor was an important design factor during development, but not for aesthetics alone. During my 20 years career 16 of which was with GWOT, LCF is key to operator usage, adoption, and most importantly psychological overmatch against our enemies. Green eyes and black rifles were never welcome sight, and now with effective low burden protection for the operator, our teams have one more functional capability to work and trading in adverse environments that also intimidate the combatant. DM for more.

  2. thomas says:

    I’m wondering how it can be CE certified, since they left the European Union.

    • Arj Grewal says:

      Hey Thomas, yes, complaint certifications very important and non-compliance can cause harm. However as the UK establishes their new governing bodies (UKCA) after Brexit, CE is still a notified, governing, and compliant body for certain products. The UK can extended this cert for IOR (Immediate Operational Requirements as needed) CE still remains the Certification required for all 27 EU nations, equating to over 5 Million soldier and police officers.

      Feel free to reach out to me and Ventus for more info on our EN140 and EN143 Certification. The TR2 is the only Certified P2 soldier/police specific particulate respirator in the market, and we are proudly poised to protect the health and safety of soldier and operators across the EU and beyond.

  3. CJ says:

    Just in time for The Division 3.

    • Arj Grewal says:

      Hey CJ, maybe in time for D3 but I know Ventus beat them to it. This respiratory protection solves a real problem. Toxic and Hazardous particulate was a constant part of my career and still is for all service men and women across Five eyes and NATO. Reach out to me and Ventus to see our testing and Data. We are thankful for amazing organizations such as HunterSeven, who are shedding light on the high rate of illnesses resulting from toxic particulates from high volume training and austere operations. In a gaming context, COD even has a skin showcasing a protection capability just like the Ventus TR2, check out Horangi Executive Warfighter.