FirstSpear TV

Brownells Donates $22,222 to National and State Gun Rights Organizations

GRINNELL, Iowa (March 9, 2023) — Brownells donated $22,222 to three different gun rights organizations as part of the second annual 2A Day celebration held on February 22, 2023.

The organizations receiving a $22,222 check are the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the Iowa Firearms Coalition.

“As an advocate for the Second Amendment, Brownells takes great pride in supporting the fundamental right of individuals to own firearms,” said Brownells CEO Pete Brownell. “We believe responsible gun ownership is essential to safeguard the liberties and freedoms of all Americans. That’s why we are honored to contribute $22,222 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and the Iowa Firearms Coalition.”

Recently, the Second Amendment Foundation has been involved in lawsuits against the ATF’s attempts to regulate items that are not firearms as if they were firearms, New York’s attempt to largely ban concealed carry, and bans on semiautomatic firearms in Illinois.

Gun Owners of America filed suit over the ATF’s attempt to ban pistol braces as well as against anti-gun laws in New York and Oregon.

The Iowa Firearms Coalition helped Iowa amend its state constitution with a guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms and is supporting a state bill that would allow gun owners to keep their carry firearms in their cars when parked at locations that ban carry inside.

To learn more about how Brownells advocates for the 2nd Amendment and encourages customers to live a 2A lifestyle visit the Trigger Times page at

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