
The Shot Heard ‘Round The World

We’d like to remind you that April 19th, 1775 is the true beginning of the American Revolution and not July 4th, 1776, the official date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

On the morning of April 19th, a year before the Continental Congress sat down to write the Declaration, events on the commons of Concord between British Troops bent on seizing the arms of the Militia and the Colonists resulted in what we now call the “Shot Heard ‘Round The World.”

It ignited the American Revolution, a worldwide conflict which would engulf the super powers of the day in battles as far away as India, and last for another eight years.

Rebellion had already been brewing on the North American continent for a decade. Finally, in the early hours of the day, North American Militiamen fired on British troops, starting a war that would result in the ascendency of the American Eagle over this land we now call the United States.

This battle is also where we draw our concept of the iconic Minute Man from.

Each Patriot’s Day, we honor those men at Concord and consider what it must have been for them to stand there together, in the face of the world’s greatest army and take up arms in the defense of their colony from oppression.

This militia came together on that morning to protect their arms from seizure by an oppressive government. That is an indisputable fact. We find the roots of the Second Amendment in the events of that day.

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

-John Parker
Captain of Militia

As the initial volleys of fire were exchanged near daybreak on Lexington Green, colonial volunteers fell back in the face of over 500 occupying British troops. But as the battle moved on to Concord, the tide turned, and the redcoats were routed as more and more colonists joined the fray.

The British troops retreated through Concord where they were reinforced. Despite boasting a strength of 1700 men, they remained no match for the determined colonists who forced them to retreat to the safety of Charlestown in Boston. The militiamen continued their pursuit which transformed into the Siege of Boston.

Today, join me in honoring those early American warriors who pledged their lives to give us our hard fought freedoms and this great land.

9 Responses to “The Shot Heard ‘Round The World”

  1. Knuckle says:

    The musket that fired that shot is in the weapons vault at the National Museum of Military Vehicles in Dubois, WY. Pretty awesome place. Go early, there’s a lot of stuff to look at and your admission is good for 2 days.

    • Pavlo says:

      No one knows who fired that shot. It didn’t come from the militia or the british. No account states where or by whom.

    • SShink says:

      Living in NH, I am privileged to be able to attend the reenactment every year on Patriots Day, on Lexington Green. They do it at the same time that it actually occurred. Pretty awesome seeing how it went down.
      The reenactors and the narrator said that they really don’t know who fired the first shot. As the British were coming up the road to Lexington, a farmer accidentally discharged his musket and got the red-coats antsy.

  2. Raul says:

    Great post! Thank you.

  3. Strike-Hold says:

    Thank you for reminding us of the importance of this date every year Eric.

    In the grand scheme of things, this date and June 21, 1788 (when the Constitution was officially ratified) are in fact even more important than July 4th.

  4. Joe_K says:

    Don’t forget, the Crown will allow you to avoid paying your slave tax of $200 as long as you register your property by May 31st. After 05.31.2023 the Crown may send Lobster Backs to your abode and shoot your Canine and burn down your Log Cabin.

  5. jbgleason says:

    I say this every year but it bears repeating. Look into the history of this event and respect the brave souls who stood up to the oppression their people were facing. It was NOT a matter of us against them. It was very much a mixed sentiment to fight the Crown at that time. Those who stood against the British were named terrorists by the Loyalists and they and their families were subjected to substantial reprisals.

    The sheer will it took to stand up to the massive British Army and Government can’t be understated. Thank God they did it or we would be sitting in our homes today waiting on police officers to come collect our unregistered kitchen knives. I am appalled by mass shootings, as anyone should be, but we must recognize that our (relatively) unfettered access to small arms is what keeps our government at bay. Our current administrations comments (F-15’s and nuclear bombs) aside, a million men with small arms fighting for their homes and freedom can defeat an army. And our government knows that.

  6. Gerard says:

    Im honored to be an American