TYR Tactical

Helikon-Tex – Foxhole Bag

The new Foxhole bag from Helikon-Tex kind of reminds me of an update to the old USGI NBC Bag for carrying your MOPP suit.

Although this isn’t quite as big, it’s more versatile and includes a roll top and compression bungees. You can also wear it as a bag or waist pack and is compatible with MOLLE/PALS.


5 Responses to “Helikon-Tex – Foxhole Bag”

  1. BIG RED ONE - Ramadi OIF II says:

    This looks like the perfect size bag to hold a poncho.

  2. Sasquatch says:

    This pouch and those shorts from Helikon-Tex both seemed to be worth looking into. Unfortunately I can’t find either on their US site. Do things show up on the US site later than their international site, or not at all?

    • SSD says:

      Unfortunately, the answer is “yes” as in all of those scenarios happen, or don’t. I’ve ordered from the Euro site and things arrive pretty quickly.

      • Sasquatch says:

        Thanks for the answer, SSD! I’ll look into ordering international then.