GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

ASIs for Arctic Soldiers

Calling all Arctic Angels and Soldiers who have had the opportunity to serve in Alaska.

The Arctic can be a harsh, ever-changing environment.

The skills to live, work and thrive there are invaluable, and now there’s an identifier to prove it.

Actually, there are four to distinguish those who have completed cold weather training.

Arctic Skills Specialist – J1

Arctic Soldier – J6

Arctic Leader – E9

Arctic Aviator/Operator – E2

For details, contact Division G1 Readiness or visit:


6 Responses to “ASIs for Arctic Soldiers”

  1. Strike-Hold says:

    Interesting to see that the 11th Abn. seems to have adopted the USMC MARPAT-SNOW camo suits.

    • SSD says:

      That’s the current issue oversuit within DoD.

      • Strike-Hold says:

        When did that happen?

        • SSD says:

          Awhile back. The Army just doesn’t seem interested in creating something new. SOF on the other hand has purchased multiple different commercially made systems, but in pretty small numbers.

        • NX says:

          I had the same curiosity that you did so I looked it up and apparently the snow garment was a joint program with Natick and the USMC, and the winning pattern was the Cramer/Hyperstealth pattern.

          Honestly at this point the camo situation with both services, and the routes that have got us here, are such a joke.

          • Strike-Hold says:

            That is correct. And I assumed that since the legislation a few years back that prohibited any new “service specific” camo patterns they just decided to go with an off-the-shelf solution.

            There might also have been some nervousness about a Scorpion W2 derived snow pattern being challenged by Crye. 😉