GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Carcajou Tactical Introduces Belt Kit

It seems we are in full back to the future mode as more and more companies are releasing belt orders.

My friends at Canada’s Carcajou Tactical are joining the fight, with a complete line of belt mounted pouches, padded belt, and harnesses, all made from laser cut laminate.

Offered in Coyote, Ranger, Green, MultiCam, and M81 Woodland, there are options for a MOLLE yoke, padded MOLLE yoke, and more traditional H-style harness. You can order individual pieces or go for full sets of various configurations.

While I haven’t seen this particular line of products in person, Carcajou makes great stuff, in Canada I might add, and is owned by a retired Paratrooper. Looking forward to checking it out next Spring when I visit again. Maybe I can get them to make a set in Tigerstripe.

The website is simple to use and the prices seem reasonable.


11 Responses to “Carcajou Tactical Introduces Belt Kit”

  1. MRC says:

    I’m glad to see people are seeing that urban, dressed like a turtle is not the only warfare happening now and on the horizon. When we put out our jungle kit 5+ years ago we received comments like “answering a question that wasn’t asked”.


  2. Mel Terkla says:

    Great looking kit! I’ve been a fan of British style belt order for 35 plus years!

  3. Sasquatch says:

    Does this fall into the “what’s old is new again” category? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  4. jjj0309 says:

    Belt looks bit warm for hotter climate, I’ve been using Helikon Tex Foxtrot mk2 for a day hiking trips and my belly and lower back is already sweaty in summer, and this one looks like it would be steamy hot around abdomen. Less padded, mesh lined version would be perfect for tropical climate.

  5. Leland says:

    It’s great to see this here. Love the kit. It’s also great to see the LBE style making a comeback although it was never really gone. chest rigs are cool if deploying from a vehicle or on a Delta or DEVGRU hit but if your on the ground walking/humping this shit, done right these can do all a chest rig & assault pack combo can and more plus be just as effective and more comfortable especially for us over sized over aged dudes.

  6. Joey says:

    Ok so I always think of stupid things like this. If you throw on a vest with full plates and pouches does it make the buckles and stuff crush into your chest and back.

    • SSD says:

      Huh? You don’t wear armor over this.

      • Dave says:

        This may be a hot take, but modern belt kit suspenders should be designed to go under armor (at least as an option). Wearing suspenders over armor will likely cause the belt to ride too high for the weight to be supported by the hips, which is a key purpose for belt kit.

    • LowSpeed says:

      This isn’t something that goes over a plate carrier that has pouches attached. It goes over a slick plate carrier (or no armor at all). That’s how the Vietnam guys did it, and kinda how it was done when we had the IBAs early on in GWOT (IBA plus LBV).

      It’s nice because you can scale up or down more conveniently and most importantly manage a loadout more comfortably and efficiently while dismounted for a long period.

  7. Bman says:

    I’m loving all the woodland products coming but I am stuck wondering why they are going with the retro black buckles and hardware from the 90s rather than OD green or FDE.