
Spuhr – Dual Dot Aimpoint Mount

Håkan Spuhr showed off the Dual Dot, which he developed as a simple way of having two dots for two distances or two different ammos, like sub and super. It was a very simple project that he didn’t end up producing but nevertheless, obtained a patent for.

Here’s a little history from Håkan on how that came about. Years ago, Spuhr was contacted by a well known SF unit requiring a sight mount for an Aimpoint with two individual zeros in the mount. He says this was well before TaracHQ and Wilcox BOSS.

The gun was a .300 blk that they intended on firing both subsonic and supersonic. Here is his first attempt to solve the problem which is a mount with a lever for two settings.

When you zero it you zero in position A, lever at front and ontain zero with the Aimpoint.

When you switch ammo you move the lever to the B position (rearward) and zero elevation with adjustment screw at right side of base.

The mount for twist mount is built into the mount.

The whole idea failed as the windage movement of the subsonic bullet was so big that windage adjustment was badly needed for position B.

Spuhr said he really doesn’t want to make a mount with both windage and elevation adjustments as that is just asking for problems.

Next, he suggested incorporating the windage movement in the base, but with a forced non-adjustable movement, reqiring the customer to simply specify how much windage adjustment they needed for every mil of elevation travel.

The customer rejected the suggested solution and required that both zeros should be individually movable and that was then Spuhr made the dual aimpoint mount.

The customer was not interested in a dual mount and only wanted a mount for Aimpoint with two zeros.

“As it’s my absolute opinion that it’s a really bad idea I left the project,” explained Spuhr, “Another well known company took over but since I never saw any products I assume it didn’t go as planned.”

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