Protact by Haartz

Half-Mast Sends: PS Magazine Will End Historic Run Effective Sep 30


Due to Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA)-directed reductions of DA Civilian authorizations, PS Magazine will cease operations effective Sep 30, 2024. These reductions, among others across the Army, are necessary to right-size the total force, as well as support modernization.

PS Magazine’s transition to end of mission has already begun, and mission execution is reducing as its writing staff is reassigned or retires. Any residual support will cease operations no later than Sep 30. In the near term, this will affect the magazine’s ability to respond to Reader Inquiries, depending on the commodity or end item being inquired about. It will also mean a reduction in new content being posted to the website, with new articles all but ending this spring.

Efforts are being made to ensure the website remains available for reference for up to three years past end-of-mission. Once this website is fully retired, readers can continue to access the PS Magazine archive on the publicly available Radio Nerds website HERE.

On behalf of Connie, Bonnie, SFC Blade, Cloe and the other staff now retired, it’s been our distinct honor to serve Warfighters across all services for going on 73 years. You never know; perhaps someday we’ll be recalled to service. We’ll stand ready just in case.

For now, be safe, follow your TMs and always treat your vehicles and equipment as if your life depends on them. For surely, it will.

Connie & Bonnie (upper left and right); SFC Blade & Cloe (lower left and right)

16 Responses to “Half-Mast Sends: PS Magazine Will End Historic Run Effective Sep 30”

  1. J says:

    As an artist most of my life, which meant it was largely “closeted” in the military, I genuinely enjoyed this publication. I learned new things every issue, and I truly appreciated the illustration and effort put into creating an easy to read Narrative. It’s a shame this won’t continue, but I’m glad it was around while it lasted.

  2. JB says:

    I suspect the Woke and DEI faction within the US Army has ordered the end of this beneficial and important publication. I cant believe annual the budget for PS exceeds the cost of a single M1 Abrams. Stupid is as stupid does. This is one stupid move.

    • Frank says:

      JB stop with the woke and DEI crap. You are mis-informed because i work for PS Magazine and you need to remove your comment and apologize. Don’t insert your political views in this situation. People like you don’t belong nowhere near our military. Stop your foolishness, now!

  3. Brian says:

    This is a shame. How hard can it be to keep P.S. Magazine going? Why does leadership keep cutting things aimed at Soldier Quality of life?

  4. Brian says:

    PS puts out useful information in a manner that’s interesting and appeals to joe.

    Nah, save the band.

  5. Joey says:

    As long as pvt Murphy is still around.

  6. Leo says:

    Blade…. is that Freddy Mercury?

  7. Dave says:

    Look, this just isn’t how Joe consumes information anymore. PS Magazine was probably great in the 20th century when bored Soldiers wanted ANYTHING to read other than the back of rations packaging. Fast forward to post-9-11, and Soldiers are pretty much only reading PS Magazine while sitting in the orderly room waiting for their leave paperwork to get un-lost. Now in the smartphone age, those Soldiers carry entertainment in their pocket.

    I bet only a small percentage of Soldiers who served in the past decade even know PS Mag exists.

    Want to salvage it’s mission? Convert from graphic comics to short-format videos.

    • Ian says:

      It isn’t a problem of readership, it’s a problem of funding and “right-sizing” them out of existence via attriting and reassigning their staff

    • Terry Baldwin says:


      I think you got it exactly right. Same with all the legacy professional journals like Infantry Magazine, etc. Just not reaching the intended audience – who could actually have practical use for the information – any longer. Big problem getting worse not better.


    • FormerDirtDart says:

      PS Magazine hasn’t been produced in paper form since June of 2017.
      It has only been available online since then

      • Terry Baldwin says:


        Yeah, Infantry Magazine went the same way several years ago. I’m sure others did as well. Just hanging these on the web is not cutting it. It seems like it would work better if “pushed” to the intended audience rather than “pulled” by them. With physical magazines all you had to do was scatter them in common areas for soldiers to find. We need the virtual equivalent of that to get the information out to the young people who need it in the 21st Century. And old folks like me are not likely to the ones who can figure out how to do it right. Seems like a job opportunity for some media smart solders, probably below the grade of Staff Sergeant.


  8. Grady Burrell says:

    Straight Swagger. MSG Half Mast was the original, walking the dog on high beam. That is Captain America ! The artist must have had a great model. That little magi one that fit perfectly in your cargo pocket.

  9. Collin says:

    FWIW, I was active duty between 2015-2022 and never once heard of PS Magazine…