SureFire XC3

SHOT Show 24 – OTB Boots Is Back!

OTB Boots is back in business with some styles that you’ll recognize.

Look for these two boots very soon along with water shoes.

Additionally, there are some other styles coming in the future.

14 Responses to “SHOT Show 24 – OTB Boots Is Back!”

  1. jjj0309 says:

    Finally, hell froze over. As an old Junglelite enjoyer, I welcome their return. Santa finally granted my wish for once. Shame on New Balance to almost wiped one of the best US based military footwear manufacturer into dust.
    When the partial return with the US Patriot Tactical failed few years ago my heart was broken. Hope this is the proper permanent return and this time no megacorp ever sabotage their rear.

    • YT says:

      What caused the failure? I was excited to see the comeback, but they never seem to have my size 8.5W whenever I tried to place an order.

  2. Iheartptbelts says:

    ? Ive missed those guys. I really liked the pair I had years ago.

  3. Nick says:

    But… did they make non-Goretex versions with with roomy toeboxes?

    • Crackers says:

      I can’t comment on what their plans are, but I will ask.

      I can say that I’m a 12 EEE, with tiny chicken calves and ankles. I’ve been wearing prototypes of a couple pairs (maritime but only for river trips and the coyote one on top) for the past year for field work and tradeshow concrete walking days. I don’t get heel lift, my 50 year old feet are happy, and I’ve put about 1250 miles on them wearing a heavy pack. I make packs for carrying heavy things (think carl g) and do my miles carrying the relevant load up and down hill on trails. These are the most comfortable boots I’ve ever worn. My fat forefoot is happy and my skinny bony heel doesn’t punch through the sole. I’m 6’4” and 210#.

      None of the ones I’ve used had a waterproof membrane.

      • Nick says:


        Thanks for the great feedback. These sound like they are very capable, and what I’m looking for, given that I spend a lot of time on my feet, and typically am carrying a heavy pack. Sounds like we have similarly constructed feet, and they definitely appear to check all the right boxes.

        Looking forward to getting some firsthand experience with them.

  4. Sjl77 says:

    Instill have a pair of the original maritime boots. My tan low cut boots were worn until they fell apart. Looking forward to the new line up.

  5. KazumaTech says:

    Mr. Ellis is back on the tiller. Congrats and welcomed back bro.

  6. Danny says:

    They do now….

  7. Danny says:

    The new range is roomier

  8. James says:

    Glad to see them back. The Thor TC’s were some of the most comfortable boots I’ve ever owned and I’ve still got a pair of Odin’s that I just don’t get to use often. Really like the look of those water boots.

  9. Tom says:

    Funny, I still have a pair of ‘bootistans’ kicking in the hallway right now.

  10. Muddy says:

    Looks like a version of the Bootistan is coming back, I still have my original OTB Bootistans from back in the day.

  11. t1tan says:

    I wore a pair of Abyss to death, most comfortable boots I ever owned and actually wide enough for a foot shaped foot.