
US Army Releases New TM for Target Audience Analysis

TM 3-53.11 Influence Process Activity: Target Audience Analysis is the first of several new Technical Manuals to be released following the deconstruction of Special Text 33-01. The Influence Process Activity series includes TM 3-53.11, Target Audience Analysis; TM 3-53.12, Plan; TM 3-53.13, Prepare; TM 3-53.14, Execute; and TM 3-53.15, Assess. The others in the series are currently in the publication process with unknown, future publication dates.

TM 3-53.11 establishes techniques and procedures for Psychological Operations forces conducting analysis of foreign target audiences (TAs) in support of commander’s objectives and influence-based objectives.

Analysis provides requisite information for Psychological Operations Soldiers throughout each phase of conducting influence activities, to include the planning, development, delivery, and assessment of series.

Series focus on intermediate objectives toward a single supporting psychological objective (SPO) and TA combination in support of a psychological objective (PO). Multiple series may be required to support the achievement of each PO. Multiple POs support a program(s). Analysis further enables informed advice and increases behavior forecast accuracy. The principles contained in this publication are linked to Army Service doctrine in FM 3-53.

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