GORE-Tex Professional

US Air Force Bombers Conduct Training with Swedish Air Force

Luleå, SWEDEN (AFNS) —  

U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers assigned to the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota launched from their deployed location at Luleå-Kallax Air Base, Sweden, to train alongside Swedish air force aircraft Feb. 26.   

The mission, dubbed Vanguard Adler, was conducted as part of Bomber Task Force 24-2 and designed to integrate the U.S. bombers with Swedish JAS 39 Gripen fighters and joint terminal attack controllers operating in the Arctic and Baltic regions.   

The exercise included surface attack, air interdiction and close air support scenarios, all aimed at building partnerships and increasing readiness.  

“This timely opportunity for our crews to exercise our collective defense capabilities with our Swedish partners, soon to be NATO allies, in the Artic region is incredible,” said Lt. Col. Benjamin Jamison, 37th Bomb Squadron director of operations and BTF 24-2 lead. “It demonstrates our ironclad commitment to our partners and allies, demonstrates our expansive reach, and sends a strong deterrent message to potential adversaries.”   

The capability to generate sorties from locations like Luleå is a key focus area for U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa. Through Vanguard Adler, BTF 24-2 sought to exercise the ability to quickly integrate forces and equipment at Allied and partner locations.  

All training objectives were met, according to officials.    

The U.S. routinely demonstrates its commitment to NATO allies and partners through BTF missions. Through these missions, USAFE-AFAFRICA enables dynamic force employment in the European theater, providing strategic predictability and assurance for Allies and partners while contributing to deterrence by introducing greater operational unpredictability for potential adversaries.   

Regular and routine deployments of U.S. strategic bombers also provide critical touch points to train and operate alongside our Allies and partners while bolstering a collective response to any global conflict.   

BTF 24-2 marks the first multi-day deployment of U.S. Air Force bomber aircraft to Sweden. 

By 1st Lt Cameron Silver


4 Responses to “US Air Force Bombers Conduct Training with Swedish Air Force”

  1. Good luck going up against Russian S-300, S-350, S-400, S-500 and S-550 air defenses – not to mention Russian fighter jets with missiles that outrange anything the West has.

    The Swedes were morons to join NATO. Now the US will try to use them against Russia like the US did with Ukraine – see how that turned out for Ukraine: half a million dead soldiers, the front is collapsing, the government is in turmoil, the industrial infrastructure is destroyed. And Russia hasn’t even committed the bulk of its forces in theater yet.

    Meanwhile NATO can’t muster more than maybe a dozen brigades total. England can muster one. France: one. Germany: one. Poland: maybe 3-6. NATO is a joke.

    • SSD says:

      With all three of its western neighbors now members of NATO, your Northern Fleet is shitting bricks. Enjoy comrade!

      • Strike-Hold! says:

        At least he had the courtesy to use “Hack” as part of his username – but not like we needed it in order to know that he’s shilling for Putler.

  2. Greg says:

    Sounds like solid training.
    Sweden is a vauluable addition that solidifies the north.
    In spite of the hang-wringing that’s become commonplace (and predictable) in certain circles, I’m putting my money on NATO…