
KommandoStore – Eighty Four FR Combat Balaclava Available for Pre-Order

The new Eighty Four FR Combat Balaclava from KommandoStore is available for pre-order.

Kommando Store took it upon themselves to recreate this one-hole design after their supplier decided they would no longer sell to civilians.

It is made in America and is the a similar design worn by the Obi Wan Nairobi and the material is inherently FR down to the fiber level (Tencate Defender M Fabric). Although one-size fits most, they’ve improved the fit, particularly while craning your neck this way and that.

Offered in Tan 499. Ships late July.

5 Responses to “KommandoStore – Eighty Four FR Combat Balaclava Available for Pre-Order”

  1. Lasse says:

    these guys front like angry incels while not being able to use the store locator feature on the LEAF site… And charge 5 bucks more.

    • Hodge175 says:

      I am retired from the military, so I am no longer allowed to purchase LEAF products.

  2. Czerta says:

    Careful these guys are serious preorder scammers

  3. Dale says:

    Would not reccomend buying from them.

    Known preorder scammers
    Youll be lucky to get a refund