SureFire XC3

Blast From The Past – Coyote’s Rules

Many of the men I learned from during my term of service were personally mentored by one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. Everytime I heard him speak, I learned something.

Coyote aka GEN Peter Schoomaker not only commanded SOF elements from the small unit level all the way up to USSOCOM, but he was also called back to active duty from retirement to serve as Chief of Staff of the Army, early in the war on terror.

His set of rules are a simple example of his leadership philosophy. I hope you gain from them as much as so many others have.

One Response to “Blast From The Past – Coyote’s Rules”

  1. Rob says:

    Fun story, I visited his office at the Pentagon when he was Chief if Staff, and in his bathroom he had a full coyote pelt (nose to tail) hanging on the towel bar.

    He also had a completely clean desk top, except for a phone and two binders: the daily casualties from Iraq, and the daily casualties from Afghanistan.