FirstSpear TV

Meet With BE Meyers & Co Inc at SHOT Show

B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. is a US Defense Technology Manufacturer specializing in advanced photonics solutions for military, law enforcement, consumer, and aerospace applications. In our Redmond, WA facility our ISO 9001:2015 production operations specialize in premier visible, near infrared and out-of-band laser marking and illumination systems, which serve end-users in 38 nations worldwide.

Our Defense Systems as well as Integrated Systems product catalogs are here:

As a privately held, Veteran-operated, second-generation US Small Business in our 50th Year in Business, we are a true Made in America story, from the back-of-the-napkin sketch to the final product out the door happening at our Redmond, WA headquarters. We appreciate your support as we work to evolve critical Defense Technology, create jobs in Washington State, and reenergize American Manufacturing.

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