GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

US Army Updates FM 1-102.2 Military Symbols

If you’ve wondered what all of those squiggly lines are on a military map are, then this is guide for you. FM 1-02.2, Military Symbols, constitutes approved Army military symbols for general use to depict land operations. The principal audience for FM 1-02.2 is all members of the profession of arms.

FM 1-02.2 is organized in seven chapters:

Chapter 1 introduces military symbol fundamentals.

Chapters 2 through 4 provide symbols for units, organizations, equipment, installations, and activities.

Chapter 5 introduces control measure and operation symbols.

Chapter 6 discusses tactical mission tasks.

Chapter 7 discusses the course of action sketch.

These chapters provide detailed requirements for composing and constructing military symbols. The rules for building a set of military symbols allow enough flexibility for users to create any symbol to meet their operational needs. All military symbols construct standards are governed by MIL-STD 2525E, and this publication serves as the compendium of land related military symbols used in U.S. Army doctrine and training manuals.

Above is a summary of new symbols added or modified since the last edition.

Get your copy here.

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