Manta Defense developed the TAC-WRAP as a roll up handguard for use with many Mil Std 1913 forends (as well as others). It not only cushions the hand from a Pic rail’s sharp edges, but the construction also absorbs shock during fire and keeps the hands cool.
Available in Tan, Green and Black.
Tags: Manta Defense
Interesting how 1913 solved certain problems but created others.
I wonder how well this will do given the popularity of various modular handguards like M-LOK and Keymod. I could be wrong, but it seems they’ve come up with a solution to a problem that, largely, no longer exists.
We have this thing called the U.S. Military where every rifle is covered in Pic Rail goodness.
Shut your filthy whore mouth…
Talking about Uncle Shaft? Oh, we can dig it…
This might be a good solution for slick-sided Keymod/M-LOK/whatever hand guards as well since anything aluminum gets hot pretty quick, especially in the sun.
It will fit others as well
Wonder if this could be made to fit on the hand cooker I mean VZ58.
An AK version or multiple variety would be ideal.
Jon, OPT
Mine was too until I got an ak heat shield and installed it in the lower handguard of the VZ. It took a little bit of dremel inside the handguard but now I can run without burning my hands.
Wont this have detrimental effects on the ability for air to flow around the barrel
could always drill a bunch of holes in it for ventilation