SIG SAUER - Never Settle

This Is What LPTA Gets You

As you may recall from our recent article on the Soldier Protection System – Torso and Extremity Protection system, one of the awardees of the “Lowest Price Technically Acceptable” contracts for its manufacture is Hawk Protection Incorporated whose Headquarters’ address is listed on their website as: 8362 Pines Boulevard # 280, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024.  

We googled the address which got us to scratching our heads.  


Here is a photo of the front entrance to Hawk Protection Incorporated’s US Headquarters.


I wonder where they put all of the sewing machines.


54 Responses to “This Is What LPTA Gets You”

  1. Cool Arrow Kicker says:

    Where are they indeed?

    Well, I guess that’d depend on which of Hawke’s U.S. DOD contracts you’re referring to SSD.

    So, I guess they could be in Hialeah, FL or maybe in Vonore, TN. Orrrrrr I dunno, maybe Eden, NC.

  2. Tim says:

    First you go in and Put your right leg in and then put your right leg out and shake it all about (Because we all know the hokey pokey is what it’s about). Your then dropped into a secret room where you have to pass through the seven layers of candy forest then make it through the sea of swirly twirly gumdrops after that just walk through the Lincoln tunnel and your there.

  3. Ray says:

    Fantastic. I had no idea it was UPS that won the contract. These guys deliver packages right on time to my house. These dudes got this. WOW. Mind is blown by this amazing revelation. (sigh here we go….again)

  4. BS says:

    Did some research and Hawk Global Office is located under the same address as Cooneen Defence, which is quite important player in European market.

    • SSD says:

      Yeah, you’d think that such a large member of the European Defence market could spring for something a little more elaborate than a box at a UPS store for its American HQ. I bet DCMA audits are interesting.

    • Riastradh says:

      If memory serves me, isn’t Cooneen(, Watts and Stone Ltd) the same N.I based company that has the MOD contract to produce issue MTP uniforms for the British Army, and then subcontracts the production to China?

  5. Francis says:

    Sorry to see body armor go LPTA.

    Regarding the UPS store, I had a similar experience investigating a competitor that a political appointee was directing work towards – they serve as prime for a former employer of hers. Good fun government contracting.

  6. corbs says:

    In the UK, products previous previously branded as hawk are now branded as Coneen. Issued by many organisations here. Will it be Berry compliant?

    • SSD says:

      They’ll have to have a U.S. Company sub the deal. The question is, which one.

      • Cool Arrow Kicker says:

        I don’t think that should be too hard to find out. Probably the same subs they worked with in the past. What would be REALLY hilarious is if they were using another SPS contract awardee to do the work and were priced higher than them lol. if there’s a klaxon at PEO I’m sure it’s going off right now lol.

        But it’s kinda funny. UK Buisness has no physical address in U.S., wins contract using subs. Does no physical work. Cashes check. Genius

        • SSD says:

          Wouldn’t that be something? If they used one of the other primes as a sub and the prime offered Hawke a lower price than the government on an LPTA contract?

  7. I love lamp says:

    Eric, this is hilarious and disheartening, both at the same time. No wonder they were able to get low price, they don’t have any overhead. Where do these guys hold meetings? At the Dairy Queen next door?

  8. Brian says:

    Wow, that’s actual journalism, from a blog, impressed

  9. JS says:

    Quarterly forecast/Blizzard meeting this afternoon at 3.

    • OccaquanEddy says:

      Genius reply!! I’m stealing that one.

      Where are the sewing machines? Back of the UPS trucks to keep the drivers busy during long red light stops.

  10. Roy says:

    Obviously, they are living and working in the UPS box. My understanding is that they prefer to be called “little people.”Tom Cruise should be there spokesman because he is about their size. Their past history of being discriminated against was a factor in the award of the contract.

  11. RJ27 says:

    So do they use box number 280 at the UPS store as a delivery address? OR is the DQ suite 417 and Hawk is suite 280?

    • Francis says:

      Most likely 280 is the box number. At least the company I checked out had the decency to use “#” in the address instead of “Suite” as in this case.

  12. Andy says:

    Wanna hear a surprising example of a similar thing?


    I thought “hey, I’ll check out some NVDs, they’re only a few minutes away”


    UPS store.

    • SSD says:

      No, not true. I’ve been to their facility.

      • Craig says:

        I have too, after going to the address on their website (last spring) which put me at a postal drop box, then going to the address google maps gave me, which turned out to be someone’s home. Finally, after talking on the phone with one of the employees I got the address to their actual facility. Great people and great company, once you actually find the place lol.

        As an aside, still waiting for that TAPS pressure pad they are making with Unity Tactical to hit the shelves.

    • straps says:

      Different deal entirely.

      Tech companies, and other commercial entities that deal in small, high-price low-margin thingies don’t want anyone with a map app casing their facilities.

      My guess is you haven’t actually made a purchase yet. TNVC is good people with good product. Not the same thing.

  13. kord says:

    I actually do this a lot, look up addresses that is. I am always amazed at how many gear shops are ran out of a UPS box or don’t even give a physical address.

    • SSD says:

      This isn’t a gear shop. It’s a government contractor that “manufactures” PPE for our troops.

      • kord says:

        You are correct this is much larger. I should have said manufacture. Like others I was just trying to express how common things like this are. I know there are many manufactures that actually have their product outsourced and work from a “home office”. I know I wouldn’t want my personal address posted on a website. For smaller companies there are various reasons for not putting the physical address on a website. Personal safety, no customer area, share the space. But I feel that if you are going to present yourself as the one making the product, you should be making it. Saying “we have our products manufactured to the highest quality” might not sound as good as “we manufacture our products to the highest quality”, but I feel you should say the one that is honest.

  14. AGI says:

    More common than most realize. Always do due diligence, starting with the business address and Google Maps. I’ve had account applications and executive-directed “this is the only guy” directives that resulted in UPS stores, farm houses, a hair salon (London HQ – US headquarters was a suburban house), a post box within another business, and several others. And often the corporate executives moved forward regardless.

  15. SShink says:

    C’mon man, you’re blowing their cover!

  16. Jon, OPT says:

    My store started at one, when I was set up in the master bedroom of my apartment… we have since moved on.

    Jon, OPT

  17. Bruce says:

    Berry Compliant?

    • SSD says:

      It has to be. They don’t build anything on US contract themselves. I’m pretty sure I know who their Subcontractor is and they build a quality product. In fact, if it’s whom I think it is, they got a contract for this as well.

      • Bruce says:

        Actually it isn’t Berry I was thinking of, but rather contracting in general. I thought it had to be a domestic company to comply (and if a UPS Store box qualifies, the rule is a joke).

    • Lcon says:

      Well Maybe not Berry but they have Banana Split Blizzards!

      • straps says:

        What better way to wow potential customers?

        I’m a contracting officer on the .civ side and a vendor with a reputation for protests tried to compromise me with free Taco Bell.

  18. Tom says:

    There are a lot of broker types in that area, doesn’t surprise me.