
FROG.PRO Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier

This is the FROG.PRO LC-AWPC (Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier).

Their take on a PALS compatible system consists of a proprietary composite fabric called LAHYCO, made of Hypalon and Cordura 500D.  It allows them s to add some special features such as utility holes for shock cord or slots for QASM buckles.

Its light weight (480g).  The inner ballistic plates pouches, thanks to the Open Top design are suitable for any shape of rigid ballistic plates. The low profile design allows the wearer to use it as a concealed vest. The supplied adapters allow it to attach the new LC line chest rigs.

Available in Coyote Tan, Ranger Green, Vegetato EI, MultiCam.


4 Responses to “FROG.PRO Laser Cut-Air Warrior Plate Carrier”

  1. painless says:

    Put me down for one in Kryptek Typhon.

  2. Bradkaf308 says:


  3. Adam Rickersey says:

    how much